Le Challenge - Geometrics

Lucy & Nat have me really intrigued over their new blog Le Challenge. The first challenge is Geometrics! I cannot wait to see what everyone has created. But first I suppose I should tell you what I made.

Two potholders that are square and have rectangle piecing. Made these for my own kitchen to brighten it up.

My second entries are Oval and quite fun to make you can find the link for Easter Egg Potholders, the tutorial and pattern HERE about halfway in the post.

I had fun thinking up items that would fit with the challenge and still be what I needed to get completed. I will be back next month ladies! Cannot wait to see what Lucy & Nat come up with next. Thank you for stopping by "In The Boon Docks" and please stop in again. Create and be unique, Lisa

I have a giveaway going with Aurifil Thread and a few other goodies, if you haven't entered please do!
Enter Giveaway Here


  1. Love the cute little elephants! That is nearly 3 entries for one challenge! Well done, I nearly did not finish mine and I am the organiser! Thanks for participating in le challenges, next theme coming out soon now!

  2. Hi Just saying a quick "hello" via Le Challenge. I love your pot holders! So colourful :)

  3. Fantastic! A great way to brighten your kitchen up! Thanks for linking up :)

  4. An original challenge and your items fit the bill perfectly. Very cute.

  5. Lovely! The elephant fabric is so cute! :)

  6. I love it when there is a challenge and you can make it work towards something that you need completed! Great potholders.

  7. Great idea for making an instant improvement to the kitchen and practical too!

  8. These are wonderful! Lovely cheerful fabrics :)


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