Vintage Dress or not?

Vintage Baby Dress?

I picked up this lovely little (size 9/12 months) handmade linen dress at Goodwill. My Mom and I think that it is old! If you have ever seen the fabric or pattern please let me know!

A closer look at the print!

My beautiful wiggly model came to visit for the weekend. I was so excited to see her wear The dress! Being handmade with no tag, I was uncertain if it would fit Zoey but it was worth $1.75 even it it didn't. One day when I have a sewing room I will hang it on the wall! It is just so cute.

How's this picture? It is really difficult to photograph someone who is moving all the time. In this one I think I just wore her down.

I am serious I would love to know anything about this fabric! Please leave a comment if you have seen this linen fabric. If you think it is new or old? Thank you for your help.

Until next time, create and be unique! Lisa


  1. It`s a cute print and a nice buy. I clicked the pictures but they don`t enlarge for me to get a closer look at the print. Cute model!

  2. Hi Lisa. I don't know about the fabric, but that pattern has been around for ages. I have made these for my daughter.Even Shirley Temple wore a dress made like this in her movies. It is a pattern loved by all and still around today. The dress and model are lovely.

  3. So cute! (The dress is pretty cute, too. :) ) I love that print! Hanging it in a sewing room is a fantastic idea. What a great find for $1.75!!


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