Traveling Stash Box 3 - USA

Traveling Stash
Box #3 is moving June 26, 2014

Hurry and leave a comment
for a chance for a visit!

I love the traveling Stash boxes
and haven't won one since 2012.
Super excited to dig and replace from box #3
I received from the Traveling Stash Administer herself!
Tricia @ Ramblings of a Quilter
I posted about the boxes to ask what
readers might like to see
in the boxes here!

I am hoping I did a great job refilling this box
and everyone will want to try and win the drawing
to get some goodies for yourself and add
some great stuff for the next person too!

If you can't find $13 worth of goodies in this box
Let me know, maybe I forgot that special something!

Tricia and I want to get the Traveling Stash on the road again!

You can read more about the boxes
and find out available ones
Traveling Stash Box
Check back often!

Patterns in Box 3

The Stash

The Notions

What I took out to Keep for Me

I know a great group of ladies who
make Clothing Protectors for Hospice
so I removed some fabric to give to them!

This is what was left to start on the new box!

What I added?

5" Charms
The Harpers Ferry is a full charm pack and
the Fresh is left from over from a quilt!

Miscellaneous 1/4 Yards
Hawthorne Threads Scrap Pack
Just opened it up and loaded the box!

A New Pattern from straight
Edyta of Laundry Basket Quilts
I won a box from her earlier this year!
I love this one but gotta give up goodies
to take out of the box!

2 Mini Charm Packs
Boo Crew (my favorite)
Little Black Dress2

Safety Pins (everyone always needs them)

Other Notions

I added (2) frames because I love to make frame purses!
(Lots of tutorials on the internet to help you make one)!
Wasabi Tape - just plain fun!
A Pink Tape Measure
A butterfly pin to stick in a pincushion
Chevron Ribbon!


1. Be an active USA blogger. Post about receiving the box and the giveaway on your blog in a timely manner.

2. There's a note in the box that logs where the box has been. Please add your info and place the note back in the box.

3. There's a list of Rules and Guidelines in the box. Please read and follow these and return the list to the box.

4. You may take anything you like from the box. Just replace every item with comparable quilt shop quality items equal to the amount taken.

5. Ship the box to the next person in a reasonable amount of time.

6. Due to the amount of postage shipping is only within the USA.

After reading the rules, if you qualify, leave me a comment! That's it! Just one comment per person! I'll use Mr. Random to pick a winner. In (1) week, June 25, 2014! I'll draw and mail on June 26,2014!

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. I'm not entering (I have a very half-hearted tumblr that I can't figure out how to make comments work!) but I wanted to ask about the clothing protectors for hospice; I've been looking to do some sort of charity sewing and that sounded interesting.


    jhunsberger (at) gmail (dot) com

  2. Okay, Lisa, count me in. I have some great stuff to add and I see a couple of things I would like. It's been over a year for me on these boxes too.

  3. I just discovered these fun boxes and I would love to play!

  4. Beautiful box, definately want in on this one. Thank you for keeping me informed.

  5. I think you did a great job taking and replacing!


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