A funny thing with patches

This morning I sit down at my sewing machine to work on the binding for the baby quilt I have been working on, and here comes my husband with his old jean jacket with a hole in it. I asked what happened to it and found out it got hung up on barbed wire. "Please patch it", I look at him because he knows I have wanted to throw it away. "Get those old jeans, the pair with the holes in them and cut me a big square". "My favorite jeans"? "Yep" (so I got rid of something I wanted thrown away). Among other things my husband is a 45 year old college student, so now he will where this on his back until it rots off, he loves that old jacket and I love him.

Got a funny you want to share? Love to hear it.


  1. Sounds like my father. He has old jeans with holes in them. He came to me and asked me to stitch them up I gave him THE look and handed him the needle and thread. He knows how to darn...he's a big man...=he can do it himself.


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