Liebster Blog Award & Favorite Blogs

My friend Karen at KO Can Quilt awarded me the Liebster Blog Award last week. I want to thank her for all the help she has given to me over the last 3 months. It has been a blast. I found it very hard to choose only 5 favorites. So my friends if you choose to accept this award please post the Liebster award on your blog so others know.

If the blogs I listed want to accept the Liebster Award and pass it on to 5 blogs themselves, here are the rules:

This award is given by bloggers to their favorite blogs with under 200 followers. The Liebster Rules are:
1. Post about your win on your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who presented you with the award.
3. Copy and paste the award to your blog.
4. Present the Liebster Award to 5 blogs that have less than 200 followers that you think deserve to be recognized.
5. Let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.

Drumroll please, I award the Liebster Blog Award to the following blogs:

1. Cherie at I Be's Cheraldine

2. Kris and Duke at Duke Says Sew What

3. Charlotte at Grammie Q

4. Patty at Granmas Charms

5. Pippa at Pippas Patch

Blogs under 200 followers that I love that have already received the Liebster Blog Award

1. Karen at KO Can Quilt

2. Richard at Richard Quilts

3. Pauline at Phoenix Heirlooms

Blogs over 200 followers:

1. Lucy at Charm About You

2. Ali at Very Berry Handmade

3. Rebecca at Ruby Blue Quilting Studio

I love blog hops and to truely hop around and read blogs. I have gotten to know all these people through the internet and they have filled a hole in my world from when I move away from the city. Thank you all for the friendship and inspiration.

Modern Quilt Artist - I really recommend that you take a look at this blog.

Jacquie Gering at Tallgrass Prairie Studio

I hope you will go to at least one blog from this list and see the beautiful quilts and other handmade items that will inspire you to create something new. Thanks again Karen I feel honored.


  1. You are very welcome! The blogging community has filled a hole in my life also. As an adult who has lived alone with 2 children for 11 years, it can get pretty lonely - especially when said children don' want to be with Mom now that they are 11 and 13!

  2. That reminds me I need to post about that and re give it. Sigh too many things to do not enough time.



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