New Year, Try New Things & The Mystery Giveaway

It's a New Year so let's try something new
I turned 48 on March 29, so it is a new year, for me that is, so I am going to try new things in April. I already have a button for Festival of Half Square Triangles, Novelty and Solid Layer Cake Swap and I think I will try this it looks interesting and I always wanted to learn to do paper piece, so I am jumping in with my needle,thread and a piece of paper.
Paper Pieced Pattern-A-Day Garden Party Blog Hop
Thank you!
I had such a wonderful birthday and I want to THANK my husband, Randy, and our daughter, Kristin, for my new Ipad 2. It is a awesome piece of technology. Also, I want everyone to know Kristin did a lot to help me with her grandparents 50th Wedding Anniversary Party, I really appreciate all her help! Thank you to all my friends and family for such a wonderful time. I am so blessed to have all of you.
Mystery Giveaway

Leave a comment telling me"How do you feel about trying to remember who made/designed every piece of fabric you use. Then having to write it down after you made a quilt

More Giveaways
1. Amy butler is having a "show you stash contest" on flicker, it lasts til May! I am doing it and would love to see some others show a picture of theirs.
Thank you for reading, Tell your friends about the Mystery Giveaway. Blog about it.


  1. Hey Lisa
    I always write down the fabric I buy some have it on hand in reference when I make a quilt up.....mind you I haven't made many quilts so this hasn't been an issue too much for me.
    Thanks for hosting a great giveaway! I'll have to pop over and see the Amy Butler one! =D

  2. I usually search if I don't remember. Usually I can at least narrow it down to manufacturer and designer. Happy Birthday!

  3. I am really bad. I hardly ever pay any attention to the name or designer of fabrics. I just always buy what I like. If you wanted to know what fabric I used, I would have to take it to Melissa at the LQS for her to tell me.

  4. I often buy FQ's because I like them without any idea what designer/fabric line they are! I don't write anything down but I do know about my favourite fabrics!!!

  5. I usually buy my fabric because there is something that I like about
    it in the first place...either color,
    design, etc. There are a few designers that I do keep up with, and will try & make note of their new
    fabric lines. I have started taking a small swatch of each of my fabrics, placing them in a notebook, and writing the pattern & designer by each. This does help a lot, especially when I take part in charm
    square swaps, and you need to identify the fabrics. A lot of my favorite fabrics are now out of print, and this system seems to work
    for me. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  6. Thanks mom for the mention this time, I love you and was happy to give u a good birthday, so u wanna send me some money lol just kidding


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