Fugly Giveaway

Charm About You


Debbie Mumm Fabric and

A charm pack of 1862 Battle Hymn by Barbara Brackman for Moda.

And two Gifts in a Jar Books for one wonderful winner.

This giveaway is open to everyone! You can leave up to 2 comments only:

1. Answer this question "Why do you blog" or if you don't have a blog "Why do you read blogs"?

2. All follower - new or old - leave a comment saying hi and answer this question "Where do you live"?

Please remember to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger or if you don't have a Blogger account. You can't win if I can't email you. Also, please do not get offended if I do not send you an email for following "in the boon docks" sometimes these parties get crazy. Remember though I do appreciate each and every person who stops by.

This drawing will be held on Tuesday, May 15, 2012. After I draw the winner I will post it on the Blog and email the winner.

Next "Who wants to trade" I love this part! I will number them you choose by number what you want to trade for some are sample piles some are scraps and some have yardage. Please do not leave a comment about trading email me at comlisajohnson(at)gmail(dot)com

1. I have 2 yards total here. But will trade for less. I do not know anything about manufacture.

2. These are from Andover Fabric Samples.

3. This is a panel for a tote bag. I will take scraps or a fat qtr for this if anyone wants it. - SWAPPED

4. Christmas fabric samples, I do not know the manufacturer. Will trade for scraps or a Fat Qtr. -SWAPPED

5. I think this is really fugly, I have a yard of it! Tell me what you want to trade.

6. I have 5 of these samples that have a sticker that says "Autumn Sky" - SWAPPED

7. A real pile of samples! Will trade for 1 fat qtr, (there is more that 1/2 yard total in samples).

If you are interested in trading please email me at comlisajohnson(at)gmail(dot)com and show me what you got either through the "Fugly Party" or a picture. Thank you for stopping by.

I am also linking up with Connie at Quilting by the River

Until later, Lisa


  1. I would love to enter to win your giveaway's. Each Christmas their is a lady a block away from me that gives away the gifts in a jar and I would just love to learn how to do that. The fabric is wonderful too. As to why I blog. I am new to quilting and while when I started I had no clue. Now I have no clue (I just hide it better) but I am getting better. So I blog and read blogs to get inspired. I went from never making a quilt 5 months ago to have already made 30+ lap or baby quilt size quilts. I am slowly getting better and as I do such I get more confidence to try harder things.


  2. I started to blog when I found my interest on sewing. I gets lots of inspritation from the blogland. I've been blogging for almost 2 years and I loved it. I meet a lot of great friends and see lots of beautiful sewing , handmade and Quilts!! :)

  3. I love your giveaway!! My sister gave me an oatmeal raisin cookie mix in a jar gift when I was at uni and because I don't like cooked raisins I never made it but would love to make some for gifts (without raisins!!). Thanks for the chance.

  4. I love to read blogs because I get so many ideas! Lots of patterns, new fabric choices, and tutorials for crafts. It's fun!

  5. I love to read blogs because they are very interesting and you can learn so much from other people. I like to see what every one is doing and what patterns are new. I like to read about where they live and see pictures of those places. Some bloggers are funny so they cheer me up and make me feel happy.Bloggers are very nice people. Thank you so much for the giveaway!

  6. Please enter me into the drawing. The fabrics are so very cute. Both my mother and I quilt so definitely will get used. I am blogless and like to read quilty blogs for: the inspiration, tips, ideas of what others are doing, and always learn something new. It is a nice way to see what other quilters are doing around the world. I do not blog because on dialup it is frustrating to upload photos and maintain a connection. So, that's why I read blogs. THanks for the giveaway.

  7. Well, I don't blog, but I love reading them. I learn all kinds of things by reading. I've joined quilt along's and round robin's on blogs and increased my quilting skills and my impression of how good of a quilter I am. Thank you for the giveaway.

  8. I am an old follower via GFC.
    I live in Hale, Missouri, USA

  9. I follow blogs because I enjoy talking to people from other places and see what they are doing. I enjoy all the information I learn when I read blogs.

  10. I am an old follower. I live in Michigan.

  11. I love to learn, so I bounce from one blog to the next, if I like it I bookmark it and come back to it. I don't blog because I find it hard to put words or thoughts down - and am poor with grammer and spelling. Love the idea of exchanges, but with the price of postage is sometimes prohibitive. Love scrap quilts - Dresden plates, Grandmother Flower Gardens, Log Cabins. Thanks for listening. Robert, from northern Iowa.

  12. I am a new follower. Thanks for the chance to win your fuglies.

  13. I blog because I want a place for others to see my projects without hauling them with me wherever we go. I also like to follow many blogs to get new inspiration. I also blog to keep record of my quilts.

  14. I'm a new follower! I live in KY.

  15. I follow blog on quilting but don't have a blog of my own. I like to see what everyone is up to!

  16. Nice giveaway! I blog to spread the word on some awesome giveaways, and have a personal blog for mainly journaling, but haven't kept that one up real well...

  17. I'm a follower, and live in Manitoba, Canada near the US border.

  18. Great giveaway! I blog to keep track of what I am making and I enjoy visiting other blogs to see what others are doing and for inspiration!

  19. I blog and read blogs, mainly because I'm nosey :) and like to chat and see passionate quilters work and hope one day I'll be 1/10 as good as them

  20. Why do I blog? I do it because I enjoy sharing my love of quilting. When I first started, the blog was going to be about quilting only but it wasn't very long before I decided that there is more to me than my quilting. My family is at the core of all that I do and I often share stories and pictures of them. I am so proud of them and happy that they support my habit!

  21. I'm a new follower and I live in Milan, Ohio (the birthplace of Thomas Edison).

  22. I recently started reading blogs, recently I started lovng quilting and I'd like to have time enough to dedicate to this new passion, but two little kids take all my time.
    I live near Florence - Italy but I have close relatives in PA

  23. I could really really use the 1862 Battle Hymn. I have one charm pack, and you know two would really make something significant :-) I started blogging as a quilting journal. It is amazing how many amazing talented creative bloggers there are out there. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

  24. Hi Lisa,

    I'm a new follower from Newcastle, NSW, Australia. I am just getting into Civil War Repros, so thanks for the chance to win the 1832 Battle Hymn charm pack.

  25. Going for a second entry - why do I blog?

    I suppose it's twofold. Firstly, to show off what I am doing to people who are interested. I don't have many people around me who are interested in quilting, so it's nice to share with people who are, even if they are around the world from me.

    Secondly, it's a great way to connect with other people, get advice, learn new things etc.

  26. I blog because I love learning new things (like blogging). It also makes my niece happy. Thanks for the chance to win.

  27. I read blogs because I like all the new ideas that I have
    access to. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  28. I am a happy follower of your blog!!

  29. Wow, how did I miss commenting on this? :) I blog because I love writing and recording my quilting journey. I also blog to make new friends like you!


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