Go to the Quilting Gallery and become a Quilting Blogger

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I just went to the Quilting Gallery which is hosted by Pat Sloan and Michelle Foster. They have a huge database with links to thousands of blogs that all quilt. Last night I went on it looking around and found 8 other bloggers in my state. I like the idea of finding possible new friends who enjoy what I do to maybe go to a quilt show or sew with. So, follow the link, sign up, and grab a button!

While at the Quilting Gallery take a look around, I like the Learning Center. They just started a Beginner's Quilt Along, if you want some extra fun join in. They also have a Weekly Quilting Contest and they always need quilts and help with the voting. I like it because you get to see quilts from all over the world and all the different styles. It is easy to do and you don't have to jump through a bunch of hoops to have fun at 1:00 am in the morning.

Come on go check it out! When you join come back and leave a comment with your blog name on it and I will join any blogs I haven't already joined that are followers! If I get more than 10 comments we will have a drawing. Later, Lisa


  1. I've been listed there for some time now. It's a bit sad that you can only do the "state/province" thing for th US, I know our states here are smaller, but it still takes a while to get from one to the next (if you don't count the dwarf, you can cross that in next to nothing). So it's not easy for my to find a blog "near" me, it could be at the opposite end of the country.
    But yes I do like what they do and I joined the Beginner's QAL.

  2. Isn't that a great site! I've been listed there for quite some time.
    Quilting by the River

  3. Hi,
    Just found you on the Quilting Bloggers Website and like you I LOVE it, its the reason I got my own blog, I wanted to be part of a wider quilting 'family' and after 'talking' to some bloggers whom I was following and reciving loads of encouragement and help with 'teething problems I set mine up the rest as they say is History!
    I take part in the quilt competitions and follow the voting eagerly to see if one of my choices win, I even entered 1 or 2 myself. Will be following from your blog today to see what your up to.
    Happy Quiltin!!
    Monkey Business and Quilts (Quilting Bloggers UK list page 13)

  4. Thanks for sharing that, Lisa! I hadn't heard of Quilting Bloggers, but it sounds like just the thing! :)

  5. I just signed up. I bet I'm going to spend a lot of time checking out that site now! www.therecipebunny.blogspot.com Thanks so much for sharing that information. :)


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