

Is just a step out my backdoor. I thought I would share a few pictures of out my backdoor. Not all the junk on the back porch, but the deer who eats on my hill in the morning.

The little male hummingbird who guards my feeder day and night. The have flying wars, you really have to watch out in the mornings and evenings. That is when they like to come by.

QuiltCon Submission #2

I tried to be modern but I may have ended up to traditional for the Modern Quilt Guild. What do you think?

The Winner Is?

Well, I am so sorry everyone has had to wait today to find out who won but my little random generator is not home yet! I did cut up all the strips, I wrote the blog, and now I wait. For a six year old he is a busy guy, church camp, friends house, and hopefully soon, home! He's home, he's home! And the winner is?

JCnNC - who is Judy C. In North Carolina of Shade Tree Quilting. She has an American Flag Banner, I would just love to make. Everyone should check it out. I was so impressed I became her follower! Congratulations Judy! I hope you enjoy your prizes, I sent you the "YOU WON" email! Thank you everyone for making my Blog Hop a success for me. You all made me feel special! Until later, Lisa


  1. Love the hummingbird pics. We have not had any little visitors to our yard yet. Hoping they stop by soon.
    Sew Incredibly Crazy

  2. Wow - and I really wanted this book - now maybe I can start thinking about Christmas and some gifts. Thank you so much. Judy C

  3. congrats to the lucky winner and thanks for hosting the giveaway!!

  4. What great pictures the deer is so cute! =D


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