Japanese X and + Block.

Scrappy? Sew bee it!

I completed my first block for the Scrappy So Bee It! I was so nervous and excited! I hope Carla really likes it. Does anyone else get that way when sewing for someone else? Just curious, it would be nice to hear that sewing makes someone else a little crazy! It was a successful pattern to me. I had wanted to sew the block for over a year, and very excited to finally done it: Japanese X and + block.

Carla's quilt will be really beautiful, I will be excited to see block placement, and the finished quilt. Until Later, Lisa


  1. Yes I get so nervous when it's for someone else. I entered a swap last year with the same pattern and couldn't wait to get them back. I wasn't sure I was going to get 30 new blocks or my same 30 :) Yours is absolutely gorgeous. Love the teal fabric. What motion it gives to the block.

  2. I always get nervous sewing for someone else! Love the teal fabric!

  3. I am so glad to know it is a normal reaction when making things for others! Thank you both for sharing


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