Scrappy? Sew bee it!

I am really excited to have been invited to join a group of very talented people in a "Sewing Bee". I am a little scared but excited for the challenge that this opportunity will bring. Scrappy Sew Bee It. Each month a member choses a new block for the group to sew. Then the blocks are sent to that person for their own quilt. I am looking forward to August 2013 when I think it will be my turn to chose a block. Until then I will look forward to completing new blocks with someone else in mind and color combinations I might not have considered. I cannot wait to get started. My mother informed me that when she was young these where called "Friendship Quilts". This is just on a world level. WOW

I have the blocks from my Great Aunt Caroline's friendship quilt from "1932". I would like to be involved in this to share with my grandchildren a completed quilt that showed woman from all over the world working on a collaborate effort and it is in "Nana's living room". Hopefully this will not just be a one time experience. But open other doors into things I would like to do.

I just want say thank you to the other members of Scrappy Sew Bee It and I feel honored to be able to join you.

Now I just have to figure out where to get a button for my sidebar.

And do my first block for Carla using this tutorial Japanese X and Scrappy Quilt Tutorial by Amy@badskirt

I know it will be fun! Don't be afraid to ask others about things your interested in, something I said months ago to another blogger Lucy lead to this for me. Thank you so much Lucy your the greatest pal a gal could have, even if you are an ocean away. Lisa


  1. I've seen that swap pop up a few times in blog land! So lucky that you are a part of it! A shame that you have to wait a year before it's your turn to choose =D


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