Where Were You?

On September 11, 2001, I had snuck away from a photography course to use the restroom. Class was on the second floor of an old brick building in Portsmouth, Virginia. The bathrooms were on the first floor. Coming out of the restroom, on an empty security desk, was a television. I saw the image of the second plane hitting the twin towers, I thought it was a trailer for a movie at first and stood there staring. When I realized that no the United States of America was under attack, I ran up the back stairs to the darkroom and turned on the lights. My teacher yelled "how one thoughtless act had destroyed everyone's work". I yelled back that "two planes just hit the twin towers". My teacher, dismissed class and everyone huddled around a 13" color tv trying to figure out what to do next. Eleven years later I still remember that day like yesterday. But does my 7 year old grandson understand or even know of this day? Tonight, I will try to explain, so that day is never forgotten. It is our responsibility as parents and grandparents to let our children know what happened on this day so hopefully it can never happen again.

Many people died that day because of terrorist that believed all those who were different from them deserved to die. They were out to kill as many innocent people as they could! I think of "How one thoughtless act had destroyed everyones lives". Today our country and many others are still fighting terrorist. Young men and women are putting their lives on the line to protect our countries! Including a beloved prince because it is the right thing to do. Lets teach our children respect for their county, diversity, and the men and women who protect them everyday.

I would love to hear were you where on this day in history! Please leave a comment below.

It was not just the United States that lost citizens in the bombings but the world. God Bless! Elizabeth Johnson, YN2, United States Navy Veteran


  1. Sim,o mundo perdeu...Lágrimas.A minha querida amiga LOREM que estava lá...,na hora errada no lugar errado,totalmente alheia as amarguras do mundo,em uma viagem antecipada de seus quinze anos.(sua avó com cancer terminal,resolveu lhe dar a viagem de aniversário com quase três anos de antecipação,pois sabia que não poderia esperar,e Lorem foi com mais duas pessoas da família conhecer ny,quando o normal para sua idade seria disney.Maristela a mais velha,com medo de altura não subiu ficou embaixo,e passeando se afastou por quatro quarteirões da tragédia,por acaso?Escutou o primeiro avião e como tantos viu de longe,saiu correndo para lá,e a tempo de ver o segundo,foi arrastada pela multidão e muito ferida por tombos,sobrevivente de uma tragédia sem ter subido,o seu medo a salvou...sequelas no entanto são todas...na alma e no coração,pois não se perdoa por não ter convencido as meninas para não subir.Hoje ainda em tratamento,segue sua vida com as dificuldades de um trama que não sabemos até quando lhe acompanhará.Os corpos de Lorem e sua amiga não foram encontradados,sua vó morreu uma semana depois,os pais de Lorem se comformam que a filha morreu realizando um sonho de glamour estava em NY....Tem mais,mas não consigo escrever.Vamos rezar e pedir a benção de DEUS para que nenhuma tragédia terrorista nunca mais aconteça.Beijo grande e condolências a você e a seu País.

  2. I was at work - at school, in the office. We stood watching a tiny little television, mesmerized by the unbelievable. I guess that's the day I realized that none of us are invincible. blessings, marlene

  3. I was at work (living in Buffalo, NY at the time). I remember being peeved that a couple of folks were standing around in the conference room, watching TV (instead of working). And then a couple more people. And then a few more. People talking in low tones and sounding so very serious. I finally walked over to see what was going on, and then huddled with the rest of them, in disbelief, around the TV. The closed the offices at noon and sent everyone home for the rest of the day. It was eerie everywhere. For days. No planes overhead in the sky for FOUR DAYS.

  4. Wow 11 years ago, gosh how much time has passed since then! I'm over in the UK so heard about it all on the news...I'm sure I was still in school at that time..

  5. Yes, I was at school teaching elementary students. The library had sent out an email that a plane had hit one of the twin towers. Immediately afterwards came the news of a second plane. I walked into the hall asking if this was a joke of some kind. Many teachers had done the same thing. Someone came out to say--"No, the towers have been attacked." I remember emailing my boys at college. Telling them I loved them and reminding them that our hope is in the Lord.

  6. I was home and DWH called to tell me to cut the TV on - he worked for the police department so everything regarding home security went through law enforcement offices. I will never forget the unbelieveable events of so many lives lost and the first responders who bravely lost their lives. Judy C

  7. I was in the hospital!my son was born on Sept 10th and I was due to go into surgery (Tubal) that morning. I was sitting with him watching Today when it happened. My Mother called to see how things were going and I told her to turn on the tv! We sat there on the phone just staring in disbelief.
    on a side note my son just turned 11 LOL. Sorry had to lighten the mood!


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