Handmade Baby Shower Gifts

I was really impressed with how many beautiful handmade gifts my daughter received yesterday at her baby shower. I thought I would share some of them with you! Next time you go to a shower it might inspire you to make a handmade gift!

Well she was handmade by God!

A crib sheet

She really likes this gift (2 pieces of fabric stitch together and stitching around the outside). John Deere reminds her of home.

Of course the baby's name stitch on it makes it extra special

Kristin's friends mom made (2) crocheted sweaters with booties on the way! These are beautiful!

One friend wrapped the diapers in a handmade crib sheet with a ribbon and bow. (Since crib mattresses are a standard size making them out of soft material will keep a baby's skin from chapping). I will ask for the pattern for to share.

This is my first quilt finish in 2013! I bogged about it HERE

My daughter was ecstatic with all her gifts purchased and handmade. Zoey will be here in less than 3 weeks! Thank you for reading, Lisa!


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