Spent Time Creating

I spent time making Ollie (daughter's dog) a bed and some toys out of scraps.

The flower looking toys are just the scraps from burp cloths stacked up and sew down the center 3 or 4 times. "Ollie" throws them around and plays with them. I bought the fabric for his bed at a thrift store for $2.00 and he is actually laying on it.

The Baby Burp Cloths Pattern I always use is a free download from That Patchwork Place.

All the flannel is very cute, soft, great quality, and bought at JoAnn fabric and craft stores. My daughter was really pleased because she picking out the fabric over the last 3 months. My favorite is this quilting cotton I bought somewhere by Deb Strain! Love the baby feet!

Michael, Kristin, and I are walking a lot to get this baby moving. As we were walking through Walmart I told them if her water breaks grab a jar of "pickles" off the shelf and break it! I was kidding but I did hear that many times over the years. A visit on Monday to the maternity ward showed that she has not dilated past 2 cm. They were both disappointed when we were sent home. Help me cheer them up! Do you have a story that made you laugh that last long month of pregnancy? Tell me about it!


  1. None of my children ever came 'on time'. With my 3rd I was 10 days 'overdue' It was great fun to tell people out and about when they asked that my due date was 'last week'. My heart goes out to your daughter, waiting is hard. Encourage her to trust her body and the baby will come when its ready, not to rush things along.


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