Baby Photographer?

My husband and I decided to make a quick run to our daughters yesterday for the day, to see her family. My daughter wanted me to take some photographs of "Zoey" for birth announcements. We went out and bought a few props and came back to the apartment and went to work. My daughters significant other was at work until 7 pm last night. His reaction to what was going on when he got home made me laugh. I will explain more in a minute. Here are the photos of our attempt to get the perfect shot! Ha ha.

Our beautiful butterfly!

This is my favorite one but look at all the junk in the background!

Here she was telling me "Please give me my pacifier back"!

Don't take a binky away from a tired baby! Oops bad idea!

Happy baby with the big ugly plug! Lessons Learned: Pay for professional pictures, those photographers earn every penny!
I present 5 week old "Zoey"

Now back to Michael, he came rushing through the apartment door because as he said "I could hear Zoey crying from the entrance to the apartment building"! To find his fiancé, her mom, and their child sprawled out on his living room floor. First words out of his mouth "What have they done to you! Your naked! (As you see she in not naked) My poor baby"! He scoops her up, marches into her room, and dresses her. All the while little Zoey is now quiet as a mouse. My daughter trying to explain she just wanted to take some cute pictures of their daughter! Zoey even gave me that look that says "ha ha, my daddy saved me"! My husband just sat on the couch the whole time and I think laughed to himself.

I think my worries about the two of them as parents is over. Michael, all 6'6" of him, works hard, loves our daughter and theirs passionately. He is doing his best to take good care of his family. I am happy to have him looking out for them!

Thank you for stopping by "In The Boon Docks", I'll be sewing tomorrow! Enjoy the rest of your week, Lisa


  1. I love your photography! Zoey is one lucky little baby.

  2. What a beautiful little Zoey; daddy's little girl!

  3. What a beautiful baby! We already know who she has wrapped around her little finger. LOL

  4. Adorable! You did great Lisa. I am so jealous of the grandchild. ;) I think it is time for a visit to see my great niece.

  5. How absolutely adorable! Zoey is so cute! Aren't men funny? :) Sounds like Michael is smitten and Zoey is going to be a typical little Daddy's girl! :)

  6. Isn't it wonderful to have a son in law that loves his family that much. Zoey is beautiful. XX Kathleen


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