Quilting THERAPY

Over at stash Books there is a great post "The Emotions of Quilting: A Series / Quilting is my Therapy by Angela Walters"
by Allison on January 31st, 2013. I tried to leave a comment on it but it just didn't work for me today. So, after thinking about it, I decided the topic was one I would share with all of you. They asked the question: So tell us – what kind of therapy does quilting provide for you?

I really cherish each and everyone of you so much. Thank you for following "In The Boon Docks". Now here is my response:

Quilting became my therapy after an accident in 2000 left me disabled. I could not longer work in my profession or any other. I identified myself through my work. It was my purpose in life to provide for my family. After losing that I was lost! A doctor told me to find something meaningful that I could do within my limitations! It took a few years until I stumbled into a LQS (Local Quilt Store)
WV Quilts whose owner and staff where caring and loving. With great patience they taught me how to sew and gave me purpose again. People to talk to and creations to make. Michelle challenged me with bigger and harder projects to help me grow my skills. Always there to assist me with anything. Now I have regained my self-confidence again and feel I have a purpose. It is challenging but with no deadlines except the ones I put upon myself. Even on the medications with safeguards, I can sew, create, blog and make friends. Something no therapist could give me back but the quilting community did. So yes, quilting is my therapy.

Michelle sells online at WV Quilt.com and in her quilt shop WV Quilt in Barboursville, WV. I would like to thank her and her staff for all they have taught me and given my back in my life.

Forever Sewing Something, Lisa


  1. Thank you for sharing! This is a very cool testimony to the power a good deed can have, and the power that purpose provides! SO glad you are here!

  2. Comecei também em 2000,por conta de um acidente do meu marido(teve achatamento da oitava vértebra),dinheiro curto e tres filhas,comecei com sucatas e fazendo almofadas,não parei mais.Meu marido?Ficou bom,foi só um engano médico e uma graça alcançada.Minha terapia e VÍCIO são os hexágonos e tudo que leva costura a mão,o que faço com máquina é para o dinheiro rápido,outros trabalhos são terapia.E nós duas temos que ter esta terapia que médico não tem talento para tanto,não é?Beijos e Bençãos.

  3. How wonderful that "making" is such therapy! For me it is my stress buster and i cannot not sew!

  4. I agree with you, Michelle is wonderful at WV Quilts. Her shop is just beyond my doctors office. They are so helpful, if my wheelchair can't make it through the aisle, they either move things or bring any fabrics I want to see.
    Part of the therapy quilting provides for me is the wonderful friendships I have developed with quilting friends. I have friends that I cherish even though I have not met them in person.

  5. Wonderful proof that quilting is perfect therapy. It is such a flexible past time. I am so pleased you found it.

  6. I am glad you are a better person thanks to quilting, I don't know how big is your disability, but maybe that accident happened just to transform you and your life in this great and lovely quilter now you are...
    God has plans for us, and quilting was yours ^_^

  7. I believe you! Quilting and Other Craft Therapy says it all for me... I worked with someone once who used the term "color therapy" and that phrase has stayed with me. My life has taken some twists & turns too and I'm grateful to be where I am today. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I met Michelle through her ebay sales years ago!!!! we got together in Houston one time but I have lost contact with her through the years. Glad to hear she is well and still ever so helpful!
    It is always a treasure to have quilting friends!!!
    Please tell her Lou from Texas says Hi:)


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