Bloglovin or Feedly

I think it is a personal choice on which reader you choose to use when Google Reader gets dumped. In a way the news has made me do some research on which was best for me. I use an iPad 3 as my primary internet device. On many blogs today, I read "follow me with Bloglovin". I say, follow "In The Boon Docks anyway you want just please still read it"! I do feel you should know what your getting before you have to load a app or program on your computer. This blog post seemed pretty on point on what I found and thought I would post a link to it for you here Nosh On It.
Psst! I like feedly so far, let you know more as I find it!

Can you keep a secret? I made this large pouch for my partner in the Covert Robin and I have no idea if this is enough? Don't tell on me for asking! I will post about it later in the month! Do you think this gift is worth $20 - $30? Trying to figure out if I need to make more for her? You are my go to friends, so leave me an honest answer. Thank you! Create and be unique! Lisa


  1. I am like you - follow anyway you want!

    I think your large pouch is AWESOME! As for price - I have no clue. I am new to all of this... but I think anyone would LOVE it!

  2. I always under value what I make/ give, so I usually end up over doing it. Probably a bad person to ask, but I'd say a little more? Not much, tho. Your bag is gorgeous! (Did you check etsy to see what similar things are fetching?)

  3. I think it's lovely. I'm in the covert robin swap and am struggling too. I miss inspiration mosaics too as they often help

  4. The gift is awesome...It is definitely worth $20-$30 dollars. I have never participated in a swap. Someday...


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