Easter Pot Holders

I was stocking my Covert Robin and one of the things she has pinned is "Easter Pot Holders", the tutorial and pattern are available for free and you can pin it at
Miss Mary Sewing Class
or visit the blog Miss Mary Sewing Classes Blog

David just had to demo how to use them! Just in case someone out in Blogland hasn't used a pot holder before. Here is how to hold your pan with the pot holders on! The tutorial is excellent! The instructions are easy to follow and the pattern very simple. Just the way I like it. The only thing I added was a layer of Warm and Natural Batting with the insul-Bright pieces of the pattern.

WVMQG met this afternoon and we had a swap. I thought the pot holders would make a great swap gift. So I made a set of them with these little Elephants for my partner. (Scraps). Sarah really liked them. Yippee!

Sarah of COOPCRAFTS made me this really cool Key Fob! She has a great tutorial on her website on how to make "Ribbon Key Fobs". I just think it is so great, I will never lose the keys again!
Now, to find some keys to put on it!

I decided to make a set for my other partner to add with her bag! Now I have enough handmade items for her, so in the mail it goes on Monday! Thank all of you who responded for your help in deciding. I would rather have to much than not enough. Plus, these are really great "pot holders" to use in the kitchen. I plan to make some for my own kitchen. Maybe you should try a few?

Create and be unique, Lisa


  1. David is a fine little demo'er; may he grow to be a man after God's own heart!
    Thanks for this post; I've seen these potholders before and even have one or two but was too dumb to figure out how to make my own.
    As to your post at Thistle Cove Farm; we've got idiots in our Senate as well. What the BO wants, our Senators give.

  2. I love your potholders they're so cute. Thanks for the link to the tutorial. I'll have make some of these.


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