International Quilt Day

(He is green, so you can't pinch me)!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Saturday, was International Quilt Day! What did you do? Well I had a day of enjoyment!

I started the quilt "Cascarone", pictured below, which is on my list for a new March start for , 2013 NewFO Challenge.

For the beginners out there: when you look at this page, you are looking at 4 templates; (2) for a small triangle block and (2) for the larger. First draw out your larger, then the smaller. Write down fold line and other important information so in 6 months or 6 years you can us them again.

Using your cheap plastic mat, tape the page with the template facing the mat, and hold it to a sunny window. I find a permanent marker works best to trace the lines for the template you need on the page. After your done marking it let it dry for 5 minutes. Or, you might experience smug...and then redo! I use my heavy duty kitchen scissors to cut them out but any full size scissors you don't cut fabric with will do the job!

Storage of Templates: put them in a clear Zip Lock (I buy a cheap off brand and keep them just for this reason). In permanent marker write, magazine, name of pattern, issue and year, on the bag. Now some people hate what I going to tell you next! Rip the article and pattern out of the magazine fold it in half and put it in the bag all together.

I don't know what you do with your old magazines but I give mine to the local senior citizens center! They don't care that I took a pattern out of my $6.99 magazine! They are happy to get to look at it and maybe find one for themselves.

If I am going to remove more than 5 or 6 I just keep the magazine or throw it away. (I don't make templates until I am going to use them). Sometimes if there is just one I will rip it out and put it in my project book and pass the magazine on.

I think I am going to mix triangles in with the Lorax Quilt! Today I made (4) large triangles and (4) more Lorax blocks (Until I ran out of the fabric I order it last week, which will be in Monday)! So, I am slowly chugging away!

I hope you all had a fun International Quilt Day! I did have fun even when I cleaned the chicken coop, no one escaped! Yippee! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Thanks for stopping by "In The Boon Docks"! Create and be unique, Lisa


  1. im desperate to start this one, im going to prob make the small size but have to finish some others first :o(

  2. Good tutorial for making and storing templates, Lisa. I enjoyed the day by piecing backings for two quilts and organizing my fabrics. Lets celebrate every day!


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