
There is still time to enter the GIVEAWAY!

I found this beautiful piece of canvas at the local Goodwill the other day! It just begged to be stitched on! Just a few french knots so far but the texture effect will be wonderful! I am working on a project for my mom and the next post for "Stitch On Prints"! Start looking through your stash for a 12" x 12" with medium to large print! I hope you had a great weekend. I sure did, we enjoyed our visit with our daughter and this beautiful little girl.

I hope you all have a beautiful week! To all the readers and followers of "In The Boon Docks", thank you for visiting, reading, and all your wonderful comments! Create and be unique, Lisa


"Honor never grows old, and honor rejoices the heart of age.
It does so because honor is, finally,
about defending those noble and worthy things that deserve defending,
even it it comes at a high cost.
In our time, that may mean social disapproval,
public scorn, hardship, persecution, or as always, death itself.
The question remains:
What is worth defending?
What is worth dying for?
What is worth living for?"
~ William J. Bennett in a lecture to the US Naval Academy, 11/24/97 ~

I borrowed this quote from
Thistle Cove Farm Sandra has some very interesting news to read. Maybe, if we are all more informed things can change. Just a thought!


  1. Love the words of William J. Bennett..So moving for the Naval Academy.

    Your granddaughter is such a little doll!!! xo

  2. Can't wait to see what you do with the canvas. Your little grand baby is a cutie pie :) Hope you have a great week.

  3. Beautiful baby and lovely post! I love to read Thistle Cove Farm posts, too. Thanks for the inspiring quote.

  4. She is definitely a precious gift from God. My current favorite quote, "My Greatest Blessings Call Me Grandma!" Have a wonderful week.

  5. What a great addition to that piece of fabric!! That will be gorgeous.

    The wee one has such a beautiful little smile.

  6. hey Lisa, smooch the pretty baby for me...SMOOCH!


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