Stitch on Prints and a Giveaway

Giveaway Closed Winner Lou

When I got the opportunity to make a pattern designed by Madam Samm of Sew We Quilt I jumped at the chance! I just love participating in the blog hops originating from her blog. The her Tammy Bag is gorgeous and just what I need to keep my Aurifil 12 wt. thread in with my little needle book and scissor case!

These are my three fabrics I chose to make the "Tammy Bag". I wanted a medium to large print (Beachfront Cottage by RJR Fabrics) for my outside (to stitch on) and a contrasting print (marbly fabric by Northcott) for the inside. The diamond gold fabric (Hoffman California International Fabrics) is my rebellion from the pattern for the piping on the outside pockets. I have had these fabrics in my stash for about 4 or 5 years.

Do you ever save fabric you love to find just the right project for it? I am hoping this will be beautiful! I love the seashells!

This will be one of the outside pockets when I am done. Just so you know I will not do the whole block just a few areas.

Can you see the movement with just a few stitches add?

So for next month see if you can find these items and we will begin the "Stitch on Prints Series"!

1. Medium to Large Print piece of fabric.
2. Some thread - 12 wt. Aurifil would be great but any cotton purl or even embroidery floss. (You do not need a lot of colors to start just something that matches the design you want to highlight on your print).
3. A needle! I have been using a tapestry needle.
4. An embroidery hoop
5. A pair of scissors

I sure hope you join me

Now for the May GIVEAWAY
Since we are just getting started I thought I would share this great sewing kit! It is in a tough little case that snaps shut with Chevrons on it! Love it! I bought one for myself and one for the winner!

To Enter

1. Open to everyone, International welcome, (if you are no-reply leave an e-mail or you can't win).

2. Answer these questions in one comment: How old is the oldest piece of fabric in your stash and what are you saving it for?

3. If you are a follower of this blog you get an additional chance! Please make a second comment! New followers are always welcome!

That makes (2) possible comments per person, anymore and I have to delete them!
(You can edit a comment after you post it)!

The one winner will receive a new unopened sewing kit like the one above!

Starts May 30, 2013 and ends Thursday, June 6, 2013

Good Luck!

Thank you for stopping by "In The Boon Docks" and until we meet again
create and be unique! Lisa

Giveaway Closed! Winner Lou


  1. I think the oldest fabric in my stash would be nearly 40 years old! i have stuff left over from my O level textile days!!

  2. Oh my the oldest piece - I have no idea I have some fabrics from my granny - and the oldest - it's a childrens fabric -quite a lot actually a small print .. and I'm not actually saving it for anything ok maybe for my own kids but not intentionally I'm just too afraid to use it.

  3. I have a piece of Amy butler which is at least five years old. I'll know the perfect project when it comes along!!!

  4. I am a follower and this looks interesting. What a nice give away.

  5. My oldest piece is probably 20 years old. I think now I am waiting for it to come back 'in style'. Great sewing kit, thanks for the chance.

  6. Oh my gosh - I think my oldest piece of fabric is about 45 years old - a piece of ditty blue flowers with yellow on white flannel from my Nana's garment sewing stash!!!

  7. Yay I am already a follower!! LOVE your stitching - that fabric is perfect!!!

  8. I am a follower on blog lovin. Great sewing kit!!

  9. I have only been sewing a few years! My favorite fabric is a Laura Gunn fabric from one of her first collections.

  10. My oldest fabric came from Hong Kong in 1975, the year I moved to Essex in England. I found a small patch a couple of weeks ago in the loft.

  11. The oldest piece of fabric I have is 25 years old. It is a leftover from a quilt I made. There was about 1.5 yards, but I recently used a quarter of a yard. It WAS one of my favorite fabrics ... not so much anymore.



  14. My oldest piece of fabric is probably 15 years old. It's fabric I bought to make curtains in an old house we no longer live in. It's just a chambray blue and quite boring, and I keep thinking the perfect project will come along for it. In the meantime, I use little scraps of it to test quilting designs and stitch patterns. :)

  15. My oldest Fabric piece is probably 10 years old. It is a leftover from my mom's apron, which she made in her young times, lol! A vintage pieces and time by time I use a little bit in a small project.

  16. I follow your blog through Google :) :)

  17. I am a happy follower. The sewing kit is so cute! Look forward to see your Tammy!

  18. The oldest fabric that I know the age of is some from my mother from the 70's. And some of it is already cut up into quilt blocks but I'm not sure what it's made out of so I've been hesitant to make them into quilts :)

  19. I am a follower as well. I do have ribbon, thread, lace and buttons that are far older from my grandmothers but I don't know exactly how old they are :) I'm excited for the stitching on patterned fabric series.

  20. I have fabric scraps from when I was first interested in quilting... no idea why I'm saving it, I guess I just can't throw out any fabric!! hahaha

  21. I follow you via Bloglovin' - thanks for a second chance... that is one sweet kit, perfect for travelling!

  22. My oldest fabric is probably about 20 years old. It is a really cute baby print that I bought to use in a baby quilt but I just couldn't bring myself to cut into it. I still love it but I don't know why I am saving it. Thanks for the giveaway.

  23. I'm not even sure what my oldest piece of fabric is. I've only been quilting for 5 years. I do have a fat quarter bundle of Sherbert Pips that I'm saving. Thanks for the giveaway.

  24. I am a follower through Bloglovin.

  25. I think the oldest piece of fabric in my stash is some peach/gold lawn that I was -supposed- to make into a dress for my mom, but i never got around to it. LOL.

    Cute little sewing set, thanks for the giveaway! :)


    2. Thank you! See editing works it fixed the problem but didn't add another number. Thank you again!

  26. I am a follower via email I have one of my dad's shirts that I want to make into a pillow sometime it is about 6 years old or so I think. I would like to join your stitch project that is coming up-it sounds like fun. Thanks for the giveaway vickise at gmail dot com

  27. Oh, I hate to admit it but I have a bunch of material (little girl cottons) from 1985-86, didn't use it all after my 22nd daughter was born. Now that I am back to quilting, I know I'll find the perfect project for them once I find the box they are in.
    thelady at

  28. I follow your blog via email.
    thelady at

  29. I just started quilting last year so mine is pretty new

  30. Wow...not sure of oldest piece of fabric....probably 37 yrs ago...made baby jammie's & such....and do have the cutest 1/2 yd or so, of these cool lil elephants in pinks & blues on white. :) Thinking I will use it to make nightie for Grangirlie's doll....

  31. I'm already a follower thru GFC...and now Bloglovin' :)

  32. My oldest piece is only about 15 yrs old. I got it for a table scarf, but my decor has changed since then. I still love it, so maybe I can use it to line a new tote bag. Or maybe incorporate it into a crazy quilt.

    1. I have one that I line a draw with! I loved the person who made it! So when I open the draw and look inside I always think of her!

  33. I have a small piece of Liberty of London that a friend gave me - must be about 20 years old because it was given to her when she was younger :-)

  34. The oldest fabric in my stash is the first one I bought, very expensive (didn't know where to look for fabric sales at the time :)) and saving it for my little girl's blanket when she'll go to school for the first time ;)

  35. The oldest piece is 28 years old. Remnants from sewing a Halloween costume for my son.

  36. My oldest fabric is over 25 years old! I worked at a fabric store and fell in love with Jenny Breyer fabrics. Thank you for the great giveaway.

  37. I think the oldest fabric would be about 11 years old, from when I began quilting. I'm not intentionally saving it, I probably don't like it anymore so it's just still sitting there.

  38. My stash is not that old. I retired from teaching 5 years ago and learned how to quilt then. However, I do have some favorite fabrics that I just can't bring myself to cut! What am I saving them for? The perfect pattern when I can justify cutting it up! Isn't that silly?

    1. Not really silly! I think you will find a lot of others do it to! I know I do!

  39. Hi Lisa I just love the fabric for your stitch along...It is beautiful. In looking at my stash I would have to say the oldest piece is about 10 years old. Didn't even realize that till you had me thinking about it. Have a great night

  40. Yes I am a follower of yours thru google and now bloglovin also.

  41. I'm a follower, thanks for the chance to win a cute giveaway.

  42. Oldest fabric, probably 5 years old and I still love it but haven't seen the perfect quilt pattern for it, or so I think!

  43. My oldest fabric is probably only a few years old

  44. The oldest fabric I have is a small bolt (about 5 yds) of plain, unbleached muslin. It was made by my great-grandmother when she worked in a textile mill as a child so I'd have to say it's at least 90 years old. It is a smaller width selvage to selvage, 36" I think, that was common at that time. I want to do a small whole cloth project that includes the quilted handprints of my grandmother, mother, myself & my daughter.

    1. That sounds like a lovely heirloom! You are so lucky!

  45. So funny you should ask. I went through some fabric that I did not remember having not too long ago. I still have fabric left over from when I made my sister a covered wedding album back in 1994. It was a southwestern print, plus some additional fabric I used in making one of the bridesmaids dresses.

  46. I have been a follower for some time now. Thanks.

  47. The oldest piece I have is some old fabrics motehr gave me when she cleaned out. It s a silky type fabric light white and blue I am not sure how old exactly it is but I do know it belonged to my grandmother and I rember her makeing us a bunch of litltte silky underwear out of it when we were very small children prior to going to kindergarden. My grandmother was famous for allways bring us new homemade my guess is that the fabric is about 38 years old that I know of. And my grandmotehr never throwed anything away so who knows exactly how old it could really be. One of my sisters saw the fabric recently after I cleaned up & reorganized my sewing room. She looked at me and said is this what I think it is...I busted out laughing and said yes that's the famous panty fabric...She said oh my gosh how in the world id you end up with that stuff...What on earth will you ever do with it. I think it will just sit on that shelf till I dye and someone else will inherit it.

  48. Many I got from my Mother and have no clue how old they are. But my pride is my last feed sack from my Grandmother's house. My mother made a tote out of one for me.... but I don't know what to do with this last one!

  49. Hmmm, I may join you, that stitching looks beautiful. Btw, my Tammy is full of floss at the moment, lol! As for my oldest fabric...I have some 30's and 40's pieces of feedsack that I have no immediate project for but enjoy using it as decoration in my sewing room :)

  50. My, you do lovely work. My oldest piece of fabric is a sugar sack from the 1930's but the oldest piece I am using is the old double knit squares from the 1960-1970. They will turn into a quilt.

  51. And of course I am a follower.

  52. I am an email follower at louster388atyahoodotcom

  53. Not sure what the oldest fabric I have is.... I have some feedsacks but will never use them:) I bet I have some scraps left from when the kids were little....20-30 years ago:) Will eventually make a scrap quilt out of them... whenever I can get to that project:)

  54. I shudder to think of how old some of my fabric is. I asked my Mom to give me any scraps she had that were palm size or bigger a few years ago. I finally went through it and had to get rid of more than half of it as it was just U-G-L-Y! But I did keep some and it's O.L.D.! I'm new to sewing and quilting, so I'm just waiting for time to work on project ideas that I've been saving for summer. :)

  55. I follow your blog. I can't wait to see how the stitching makes the seashells pop in your project!

  56. My oldest fabric is twenty years old. It was fabric i purchased to make mymom a dress but she unexpectly passed away. Im waiting for inspiration

  57. I am a happy follower via email

  58. I have a few pieces of fabric that are 45 years old. My aunt gave them to me when I first started sewing. They are odd little prints so are hard to find a place to use them.

  59. I am a happy follower through GFC.

  60. The oldest piece of fabric was from my mom's stash that she gave me. Probably 30 + years old.

  61. Oh my, I would have to say at least thirty years. They are knits and I stopped sewing with them for many years. I just started pulling them out to make. Clothes for my grand children.

  62. I am a follower of your blog. I love reading all your posts.

  63. The oldest piece of fabric in my stash....I am not sure, I have been quilting since I was 8 years old but I collect fabric from anyone who is willing to give it to me. I have some from my grandmother-in-law that I am saving to use for my children - she made lots of suffolk puffs and I want to make them into a yo-yo animal but need to work out what sort. I have over 100, and will add some to these from my stash and other important family members. Just need to find the perfect pattern.

  64. The oldest piece I have is about thirty yrs old, it a piece of black double lace. I'm not sure I am saving it, just haven't found the best reason to cut it. You know there are some of us who buy beautiful fabrics and prefer to look at them rather than cut them. I'm sure many of us have some of those. Some day :) N-T-way love your blog.

  65. My oldest fabric is probably 8 years old. Don't really know why I'm saving it, the perfect pattern hasn't jumped out at me yet. thanks

  66. I follow your blog via Bloglovin. Thanks

  67. My oldest fabrics have to be about 42 years old. They're in a box up in the attic & one day I'll cut them into strips & make rag rugs. Thanks.

  68. I'm a follower via Bloglovin'. Thanks again.

  69. My oldest fabric is 10 years old, I bought it even before I learned how to sew, I just recently gave it away, because I had no idea what to do with it.

  70. I bought some fabric at a yard sale, and it looks pretty old-vintage cut out and stuff panels. I'm not sure if I'm going to cut it out or not!

  71. I am not really sure about the oldest piece of fabric. I would say prob between 40-45 years. I have some that my grandmother had and I will prob never use it. Just a memento of her.:)

  72. I am a happy follower through GFC. This is a really nice giveaway!!


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