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Giveaway for the Ho Ho Ho Blog Hop ends tomorrow night so signup HERE

On the home front

Spent my day rolling coins with David to buy his big birthday present! He got up this morning and told me he would count out his big penny jar so he could buy the new Disney XBox game that will be released next week. After rolling $30 in pennies everyone in the house started donating their silver coins which grew our pot to $103 rolled coins. That was a lot of change to take to GameStop to prepay for this expensive game. I called the store and ask them if we showed up with all this change my little man had counted and help roll would they take it. I didn't want him turned away at the counter. They said yes they would do it and treated him great as my husband plunked the backpack on the counter. David felt very grown up as he made his order. Thank you Ed at GameStop! We will try to have patience until it arrives.

I just love his new glasses! He is excited to wear them to school next week.

The my baby chicks are all grownup and started laying! This is our first dozen eggs! Yippee!

A Finish - "Pearls, pearls, pearls" mini quilt
Fabric - Pearl Bracelets - in multiple colors, Andover Fabrics
Binding - scrap

Back - Kona Dark 2 1/2" roll
Quilted by - Me

Hello, Bloggers out there do any of you own a Sew Steady Portable Table if you do would you please email me?

Until next time,
create and be unique,


  1. Hi Lisa. That was nice of them at the store. Lucky boy. Are we sewing for you this month in the Scrappy bee?

  2. David is a handsome little guy in his new glasses. Love your colorful mini quilt. I do have a Sew Steady table, reply if you have any questions. Have a great week Lisa :)

  3. School already? We start and end late here. Start is always the day after Labor Day. He looks so cute in his glasses.

  4. Bet he's so excited having rolled and saved all that money himself! And very exciting to be collecting your own eggs - better start baking!!111

  5. Lisa, I own a sew steady table, but I can't find your email address. Please email me with any questions you may have.

  6. You have raised him well. It gives me hope for the future.


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