HO Ho Ho and a Giveaway

Hi Everyone, I apologize for being late! It has been a rough week here
In The Boon Docks!

Better late than never!

So lets have some fun! I love Christmas and Madam Samm and Carol really setup a awesome blog hop with Ho ho ho! So many great ideas and projects for decorating and gifts. I am so happy to participate and appreciate all the work our cheerleaders put into planning it! Thank you ladies, you are wonderful!

This Aspen Frost mini quilt was created to be part of this blog hop and a Christmas present. If you would like to know more about when I was making it, what I didn't tell you was it was for this "Snowman Skating Rink". A gift for someone who also loves Christmas!

Then I made these two pillows out of fabric samples of Winterkist!
Which I just love! Hope you do too!

Monica Solorio

This Teddy Bear is one of David's favorites. He was rescued at a Estate sale, in a big bag of scraps, unstuffed and half sew last year. After careful washing, sewing and stuffing, he is quite the looker! The fabric is an old print and someone meant for him to be loved one day and he is now. He will spend the holidays in my rocker by the fireplace if I can steal him from David's bed long enough. As I said Loved.

Please visit the other blogger's in the hop for today! There are alot of giveaways going on in this hop you should start here and then hop over to Carol @ Just Let me Quilt for the full list!

August 8, 2013


Marla's Crafts

A Stitch In Time

mehitabel's musings

Buzzing and Bumbling

Transitions for meee

A Little bit of Lorene

I Piece 2-Mary

Under the Presser Foot

A Reformed Heath'n

In The Boon Docks - you are here


(1) Mini charm of 'In From The Cold', Kate Spain, Moda
(1) Mini charm of 'Esprit De Noel', French General, Moda

and the leftover scraps from Winterkist!

To Enter

1. Open to everyone (if you are no-reply leave an e-mail or you can't win).

2. Answer this question in one comment

a. What was your best Christmas present ever?

3. If you are a follower of this blog you get an additional chance! Please make a second comment! New followers are always welcome!

That makes (2) possible comments per person, anymore and I have to delete them!
(You can edit a comment after you post it)!

The one winner will receive (1) Mini charm of 'In From The Cold', Kate Spain, Moda,
(1) Mini charm of 'Esprit De Noel', French General, Moda, plus a scrap bag of Winterkist!

This giveaway ends August 11th and winner will be announced August 12, 2013!

Thank you for stopping by "In The Boon Docks"!
Until next time,
create and be unique!


  1. Best present ever was my car - for my 50th year ( Birthday and Christmas combined)- mid life crisis! ha! Red MX5. i call her Rosie. Look your cushions and the lovely little mini quilt.

  2. You are so ready for the Holidays! I love your pillows. Thanks for sharing all your projects.

  3. Love the Santa pillows and mini quilt! Thank you for sharing.

  4. I love those pillows...the fabric is just too cute! Your little mini quilt and skaters look adorable. Great projects! Best gift was a Barbie with a homemade wedding dress. I still have her!

  5. Love your tumbler mini quilt! My most favorite Christmas gift was my red Kitchenaid mixer from
    my husband. Thanks for the chance to win!

  6. I do love the bear too. and the snowman skating rink is lovely...your mini is cute and love the pillows.

    love to be entered in your giveaway.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  7. follower


  8. My best christmas present ever,was when my husband gave me an old cardboard box, filled with all the little gift ideas I had put on my list, there was wine, lingerie, chocolate, books, kitchen stuff, a cd. Such a surprise and I was so spoiled. Thanks for the chance to win.

  9. Gorgeous handstitching - really adds to your lovely tumbler squares. Best Christmas present had to be the painted rock I got from my niece - I just love handmade things and I still have that rock to this day!

  10. i like so much your pillow !! my best christmas present was my reader , four years ago , i'm using it every day !! I'm travelling a lot , it is so easy to use it !
    marie mcphi05@yahoo.fr

  11. I love your pillows!! They are so cute and colorful. They would look really good on my white couch. LOL.. My best Christmas was when my daughter showed up after her boot camp. (Navy) I didn't know she was coming home, so it was a nice surprise. Thank you for sharing.

  12. Glad to see you are okay :-) Love your Christmas projects - those pillows are fantastic! My best ever Christmas present - a coffee grinder!

  13. I love your projects. The little table topper is so nice and bright. The pillows look great. The colours are beautiful here too. Love them. I don't have a favourite Christmas present, we don't have presents at Christmas! We celebrate Sinterklaas at December 5th!

  14. Our Direct bears Gifts Directory offers a central place where you can come and find your perfect, unusual, quality, value and unique personalized gifts. We aim to have one of the largest web directory for the UK Direct bears Gifts website, so it is very much an ongoing project at the moment.Teddy Bears

  15. What a great colours :) I'm impressed ! Great work ! My best gift ever ? Hmmm ... I haven't get nothing special I'm still waiting for one ;)

    Hugs from Poland !

  16. Love the pillows - thanks for sharing the pics. My best Christmas present ever was a really nice sewing table (I got it early but it still counts). Thanks.

  17. I'm a follower with Bloglovin'. Thanks again.

  18. Best present ever? It was a gift from God....He sent his Son.
    Best present given in my lifetime? I think my first Kindle. I am now on my third one as I have passed the others off to relatives. (yeah we are readers!)

    1. What a great answer Gene! He certainly is the best gift ever! Thank you for reminding me!

  19. Your Christmas projects were so wonderful. And a treasure to find that bear!
    Thanks for sharing and being part of this blog
    Have a great day

  20. Best present ever...my Go Baby!! I love your projects...especially the little pillows

  21. Your projects are all worth waiting for! Love the tumbler quilt!
    I agree with Gene on the best gift ever!
    Under the Christmas tree? A lifesized baby doll with a stack of baby clothes my mother made for her. I was 5 years old!

  22. It's hard to pick just one "best" christmas present. But it might go to the set of plastic dinosaurs my parents (I mean "santa") got me when I was in elementary school. It was hard to find dinosaur toys back then, so "santa" had to get them from a museum gift shop (which meant they were expensive). They were FABULOUS. I played with them all the time, even in the tub.

  23. Gifts are great but I think I enjoy the making and giving more. Christmas morning I spent more time watching everyone open their gifts than opening mine. Even though I make most of my gifts I really enjoy the craft gifts the best. Your projects are all beautiful and I have really enjoyed this blog hop the best as Christmas crafts are the most fun to make. Thanks for having such a nice give away.

  24. I am a follower via blof lovin. Thank youf ro the chacne to enter your wonderful giveaway. The bear was a fabulous find. Love your santa pillows. They are amazeing.

  25. My favorite Christmas was the one I got my embroidery machine. How could it not be my favorite.

  26. Your projects are fantastic. As for a "best" present.. as a child it would be the doll from my grandmother who was quite a seamstress. She made a bride dress outfit and numerous outfits including a real wool skirt, blouse, coat and tam. It was amazing. But for today my best present is the good health of family and friends

  27. Its prolly not the best one ever, but it is a favorite and all my coffeeless brain can one up with at the moment. My sister asked me one year what I wanted and I told her 2 items. Her husband decided to get the 2nd one. It was a small cordless drill. I use it All The Time and in the 4 years I have had it, have charged it once. It's smaller than my big glue gun. I am sure I have more meaning full gifts and more treasured but this one is definitely the most useful!I will think of something later I am sure.

  28. It is so funny that you ask that question. My kids and I were talking about that just a few weeks ago. They are married now and it has been about 20 years but the very first gift that I enjoyed to the max and still think fondly of was the first ones that my children went in together to buy me. I never knew this till a few weeks ago but they both agreed on a family bible because we all had individual little ones and they said they kept remembering that I would say all the time we need a family bible because all the family history goes in there. So that was their first store bought Christmas present for me and I was shocked and teared to think that they picked up on that....my son was 11 at the time and my daughter was 9 and of course Dad helped. Your little quilt is adorable and love the pillows because I am a fan of that fabric also and then the bear well what is not cute about him. Have a wonderful day.

  29. Yes of course I am a follower....

  30. I am a follower!and I knew I'd think of something l special er"we had no money one Christmas and my grandma bought me a stuffed monkey that I picked out at KMart. I still have him but what made him special was his package.daddy stayed up and made a cradle out of a coca Cola boxfor my monkey. He didn't have any money to buy anything at all but made a very special memory for me.
    All your projects are sweet! I love the soldier on the n mini quilt andthose roly poly santas are so adorable. And no wonder David wants that bear! Great work

  31. The best gift was my Toni doll when I was about 8 or 9 y.o. You could wash and style her hair and give her a 'Toni' home permanent. Great fun.

  32. And I'm now a follower. I love your pillows.

  33. Love the PILLOWS and the Kate Spain fabric. Thanks for sharing and for the giveaways!

  34. My best Christmas gift was a new sewing machine a few years ago!
    I love your mini quilt. The colors in that line are really nice.

  35. I cant really say I remember gifts as much as I did my Cabbage Patch kid! Can I tell you I remember my Mom having that print from the bear! She used it to make pillows that I believe my brother has!

  36. I am a follower and in LOVE with Winterkist!

  37. Wonderful projects,your pillows caught my eye.One of my best christmas gift was my new camera.

  38. Being giving a present on Christmas from Dad (order months before) after he died.

  39. Let the Christmas season begin, you'll be ready. Great projects, now I'll head over to the other blogs. Thanks for sharing.

  40. I am in love with those Santa pillows. My favorite Christmas present was spending a Christmas with all my Grand children and my children. After 10 years of not spending a holiday with my sons family he made the trip to Arkansas at Christmas in a snowstorm to spend Christmas with the rest of us. It made for a very special Christmas. Thanks for sharing.

  41. My best Christmas gift was a quilt from my mom. The quilt is a wallhanging hexagon quilt that she pieced by hand then machine quilted. She made it when she was 90 and she is still quilting at 97!

  42. Best Christmas EVER well let me think that would have to be a non quilty one but it was when DH adopted an Orangutan for me at Monkey World in Dorset, he was called Kai and was born on our Wedding Anniversary, he was sooo cute and it was great to visit him later that year!

  43. I love your mini quilt! Best Christmas present ever would have to be when I was younger and we got tickets to Disneyland! Thanks for the chance!

  44. Thanks so much for sharing. best Xmas gift - my DH gifted me with a gorgeous 3 across diamond dinner ring for our 25 anniversary.

  45. Love your projects they are so bright and cheery for the holidays. Thanks for sharing.

  46. You're very creative. I love the pillows! I haven't seen that pattern befor and you fabric choices are perfect. My favorite gift was probably when my daughter and hubby changed plans to be home for Christmas.

    1. Lvrayspools at gmail dot com
      I didn't realize I was no reply. :-)

  47. Your winterkist projects are cute and you made perfect use of the fabrc line. Love your pillows! Jane

  48. My best Christmas gift ever came many moons ago and was a little late ... my youngest sister. She was born the morning after Christmas, though. I always love tumbler projects and those Winterkist Santas are so cheerful! Thanks for sharing :)

  49. Love your winterkist pillows, so cheery. My favorite Christmas present has always been just being able to be with my family every year. We don't do a lot of presents. Thanks.

  50. I love your pillows. How festive they are. Sure would look good on my sofa. Best Christmas gift...That is hard. Just being with my husband and children make me happy. Each thing they give me, no matter what it is, is cherished.

  51. Love your projects, that bear is just the cutest :)
    My best Christmas gift was getting our wedding rings in time to have them and get married on Dec 30, three years ago. Gets better every year ;)

  52. And, I am a new follower now as well.

  53. Best Christmas present ever was my Kindle 3 years ago. I read loads so it gets loads of use. Your cushions are lovely as is the mini.

  54. Lisa, your projects were well worth waiting for. The little mini quilt is beautiful and the pillows are adorable. Thank you for sharing them. The best Christmas gift are the ones my children and grandchildren made for me.

  55. I am so glad that you were able to join in the blog hop, and your projects are just wonderful!! Thanks for sharing. My best Christmas was when our son was able to come home for a visit after being far away for 2 years. It truly was a Christmas blessing for us.



  56. I am a happy follower of your blog.


  57. Glad I came back and found your blog hop projects! The little tumbler is perfect under the ice! Thanks for sharing and thanks for the giveaway!

  58. My favorite was a barbie house with working elevator. Thanks for the chance.

  59. Great mini quilt! My best Christmas gift... My honeymoon!

  60. Awe the skating rink is sew cute! I love the pillows and bear too! My favorite Christmas gift was my healthy twin Granddaughters.





  63. Best present ever?? 2 Red Poll cows from my husband!!!

  64. What a cute mat for your ice skating rink. I love the pillows. Very cute. Thanks for rescuing, finishing, and giving a home to the bear.

    Thanks for participating, sharing your creativity, and inspiring us for Christmas in what is hot weather for most of us.

    My favorite Christmas present was the privilege of helping give Christmas to needy families when I was single.

  65. A sewing machine! Thanks for the giveaway!

  66. What a wonderful find the teddy bear is. A home-made fur bear which still lives in my bedroom.

  67. My best Christmas present was my sewing machine. I love it. Your projects are really cute.

  68. Your tumbler tabletopper is so cute...as is your Santa pillows. My favorite Christmas present was a bicycle...first big one...when I was 5 or 6. Rode it in our basement that winter! Thanks for sharing with us.

  69. Love your projects particularly the pillows. Best present ever? My set of Denise interchangeable knitting needles. I may not knit quite as much as once did but I thank my parents every time I use them---for the last 45 years! THX for the giveaway opportunity.

  70. Wonderful projects! Those tumblers and little pillows are so cute! My favorite gift was my sewing machine in 1985! It has provided hours of happy times...and keeps on giving! Thanks for sharing your creations!

  71. Wow, that mini quilt really is mini! I love the snowmen :) My best Christmas present was actually from last year, for once my parents got me something completely unexpected and I cried when I opened a brand new laptop. I had just started being a Pampered Chef consultant, and taking orders on paper forms is EXTREMELY outdated but I figured I'd make do until I could afford a computer. Surprise! By the way, everyone else was crying too, they had to ask me to stop so they could! HAHAHAHA Oh man, I would love some In From the Cold material, been eyeballing it since she revealed it... thanks for the opportunity!
    brandizzle7133 at yahoo dot com

  72. I think my favorite christmas gift was when I was in college I borrowed a little money from my dad. For christmas he gave me monopoly money saying no need to start the payoff plan in January like we planned. IT wasn't much but it helped out a poor college kid!

  73. My best Christmas ever was when our son rejoined our family after an absence of several years! Love, love your pillows!

  74. I'm a follower now! Thanks for an extra chance to win!

  75. Following you now. Glad to find you. I love your little pillows.

  76. I love Christmas time so much, and I really can't name any one present as I am just happy if we are all together.
    As a kid in first grade, I remember Christmas morning so well. Under the Christmas tree I got a beautiful doll that was called a "walking doll". I also got an ironing board and an iron. I am 64 years old, and I can still see those things under that tree in my mind. There is nothing like the magic of Christmas in a child's mind.

  77. Malibu Barbie, Ken and a Barbie POOL! Score!

  78. I'm a follower. Thanks for the giveaway, and I think your Winterkist pillows are adorable!

  79. I guess my best present was a new computer my husband built for me. The tower was purple. I LOVED it and almost cried when it was time for the next computer because it would not work in the purple case anymore. :(

    I know there were other presents but right now, this is all I have coming to my mind.

  80. I am already a follower of your blog via email and Bloglovin'

  81. What a lovely giveaway! Thank you. As for my favorite Christmas present.....it was a dictionary. Crazy, I know! I was in high school and in advanced English classes and my family didn't own a dictionary. Each week I would have to sit in the library to complete my homework. My family was very poor, but when I opened up an amazing, top shelf dictionary, I started crying. Heck, I'm tearing up just thinking about it now and it was 30 years ago! kmcassie (at] gmail ]dot] com

  82. I'm a follower by email....keep those great posts headed my way. kmcassie (at] gmail ]dot] com

  83. I follow you by e-mail. Thanks for sharing.

  84. Best Christmas gift ever would be the year my husband who never buys personal gifts for me, bought me a gold neckless with a gold cross and a diamond. He also got me a pandora bracelet. I was very shocked. If I want something like clothes or something like that, I get money or a gift card.

  85. Your pillows are delightful! My best Christmas present ever was a Barbie Dream House!

  86. I follow your wonderful blog via Bloglovin.

  87. My best Christmas present ever were a pair of "Man From U.N.C.L.E" walkie talkies. I was about 9 years old, and they were the COOLEST thing ever! I had them until I was about 17-18 yrs old. I wish I'd kept them!

  88. I'm a follower of your blog. Thanks!

  89. The year I received my Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls when I was 10. I loved them and still have them.

  90. I am a blog follower. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  91. Great projects - thanks for sharing. Best christmas present was my ipod.

  92. One of my favorite Christmas presents was a 10 speed bike when I was a kid. A wonderful shade of green. From Sears.

  93. My best Christmas ever was the year I got my first horse! :)

  94. My best Christmas present ever was a quilt from my grandmother.

  95. You've been busy making some pretty things! One of my most fondly remembered Christmas gifts was from my in-laws. The husband and I had been dating for maybe 6 months and I didn't expect to get anything. They got me a toolkit. And now my husband steals my tools. I tell him they're mine and to go find his own. :)

  96. Hiya Lisa!!! I just love your mini tumbler quilt, and it looks great with the skaters. What cute pillows!!! And that teddy bear is just adorable. I could love him too. My best Christmas present I ever received was the year I was wishing for Styx concert tickets. My husband said that my present wouldn't fit in the trunk of the car, so he'd just have to put it in my stocking. I was SOOO confused that year. When I opened a tiny card from my stocking that year, it simply said "All my love". Talk about some tears, they sure came out. (And I did get the Styx tickets too.) It was a wonderful Christmas. Thanks for sharing and for having the giveaway. I just love mini charms. Merry Christmas, blessed be, hugs!!! Pam

    pamspretties57 at gmail dot com

  97. My best Christmas present ever has been a tiny glass ornament that says "I love my grandma". I had waited for grandchildren for many years and had begun to accept that grandchildren were not to be. That was ten years ago and though there is still only one grandson I have not given up hope for more.

  98. I am a follower with Bloglovin' and with GFC also

  99. Thanks for being part of the fun blog hop. I enjoyed your blog. Probably when I was about 5 years old my oldest sister bought be a bike with training wheels. But to be honest I've had many great gifts.

  100. I am an email follower at louster388atyahoodotcom

  101. My best christmas gift?????
    Let me think.... I know the best I gave were the first pair of blue jeans my dad and I gave my mother. She had always worn double knot:( ugh! So it was cool to give her that.. of course this was in the early 70's. I guess mine would be..... a bike with a banana seat and streamers:) Too cool!

  102. Love your little tumblers! Who wouldn't love that rescue bear. Great colours on the pillows too. I haven't a "best" Christmas gift, they have all been nice. The 'best' gift I gave was to my hubby. He thought he was opening a new mirror( that I wanted) instead, it was a framed print that he had admired earlier in the year. His face was priceless!

  103. I love all of your projects, especially the pillows. My favorite Christmas gift was the year my first granddaughter was born on December 27th. Thanks for the giveaway.

  104. I love the Santa pillows - so different from our traditional looking Santas. Best gift...I love gifts and each and every one is special.

  105. Best present ever was my sewing machine, when I was 24.

  106. My favorite present was a giant stuffed St. Bernard dog that my brother gave me. He came home from the Air Force for Christmas and surprised me with it and him! Best Christmas ever!

  107. A "Baby that a way" doll! I'm a follower

  108. My favorite present is the lap top computer I got a couple of years ago!! Thanks for sharing in the hop!!

  109. I follow your blog via BlogLovin' and GFC - thanks for an extra chance!!

  110. I can't remember any of my Christmas presents that well. They were always toys or money depending on our age :(

  111. I'm a follower through Bloglovin. Thanks for a chance at some fun Christmas fabrics (which I seem to be quite obsessed with at the moment��).

  112. I love ALL of your creations, but those pillow are amazing Lisa! I am a follower. ;)

  113. Favorite Christmas present ever was just last Christmas. My extended family got together and bought me a new sewing machine. It is a wonderful Singer anniversary machine. I can now piece and quilt without worrying about my machine breaking down.

  114. I collect coins, my dad got me started by giving me a coin collection every Christmas, I always loved the small boxes best.

  115. When I was six, I got a big blue bike with a basket on the handle bars. I thought that was the best ever.

  116. I now follow - via blog lovin.

  117. Ya'll are great parents to play that out in the way you did. That will be a memory your son will always carry with him. Just made me smile, and made my day!! :) :)


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