We have a winner!

As always I had a great time during this blog hop! These hops would never happen without our fearless leader Madame Samm @ Sew We Quilt and all her wonderful head cheerleaders! This time was the very talented Debby @ Debbie Kratovil Quilts. Thank you both! Great job! Now for the fun part!

The winner of the Be A Hexie Queen Blog Hop is #66

Which had this very nice comment about "Meet The Lorax"!

That is adorable, I just learned about half Hexies and love making them now. You did a beautiful job. on Be a Hexie Queen Blog Hop
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Jane @ Jane's Quilting
on 8/21/13

Congratulations on winning and thank you for the great comment!

I will contact you by email for your address!

Update on my daughter

My daughter is better but it will take months for her pancreas to heal. She will only be able to eat a bland diet with no fats, limited proteins, and no alcohol ever (she has never been a big drinker). They think now that her continued illness through pregnancy may have started the whole thing. Little "Zoey's" other grandma came to pick her up this morning and bring her back closer to her parents. My daughter is out of the hospital and resting at home. She will spend another week in bed, doctor's orders. This way "Zoey" is just a 1/2 hour away. Thank you for all for your prayers and good wishes.

Until next time
Create and be unique,


  1. Lisa I am so glad to hear your daughter is improveing and doing better. And congratulations to Jane for winning. Thank you for hosting the giveaway.

  2. Hi Lisa,
    I just wanted to stop by and say hi! Glad your daughter is doing better.
    xo jan


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