Giveaway Day 2013

Giveaway Day Mr. has picked a new number!


Nikita @
Monkey and I

I have emailed the new winner!


Congratulations to the Giveaway Day Winner!


Kim Stewart December 12, 2013 at 9:39 PM
I would love to meet Helen Keller. I have always been fascinated by her.

I will be emailing you shortly for your address! Not able to find a email address for you!

Kim Stewart you are a no reply commenter please contact me!

Welcome "To In The Boon Docks"

Hi! I am Lisa, a Christian, wife, mother, grandmother, veteran, and an artist in training (always training). I live In a rural area of West Virginia, USA, with my husband, our 8 year old grandson and my Mother. Our home is protected by 3 dogs, 8 chickens, a squirrel, and miscellaneous deer (they live in the woods). We grow, can, freeze, both fruits and vegetables. I also make jams and jellies. I will admit I am a awful cook but my husband is a culinary student and an awesome cook!

I love to blog, blog hop, swap, sew, quilt, crochet, knit, and just about any DIY project. I am a fabric and Aurifil thread lover! Hopefully, the things I write about here will interest you and keep you entertained.
If so, please follow.

I want to thank Sew Mama Sew for coordinating Giveaway Day for the second time this year. When I first started sewing I was so encouraged by the site that I started "In The Boon Docks"! I enjoy making and giving things away. Each month, Aurifil sponsors Stitch On Prints (Hand stitching on printed fabrics to enhance the designs and giveaway Aurifil 12 wt. thread) and the Fat Quarter Shop sponsors Quilters Candy Unwrapped (See a whole line of fabric in one photo with a chance to win Moda Candy Charms) giveaways! (Just click on the link to learn more about either program)!

It makes me feel good to encourage people to take a few minutes for themselves to create something. It may only be one block but it is time to yourself. A spark of creativity! So little time these days for yourself when you work, go to school, be a wife and a mother! I am amazed at women who somehow fit all these into their lives on a daily basis. Take a break and sew a little! Sign up to follow on the lefthand side!

One Fat Eighth Bundle (16) of Perfect Pairing by Kim Diehl and the pattern "Biscuits and Jam"! This giveaway is sponsored by me. I won these a few months ago and decided it would make a perfect gift for this giveaway!
I hope you like it!


1. Open to everyone (if you are no-reply blogger leave an e-mail or you can't win). If you could meet one famous person (any person, alive or past) write their name in the comments and if not to personal, why?

I would like to spend an afternoon with Robin Williams, he has made me laugh since I was a kid and he was Mork!

2. If you are a follower of this blog you get an additional chance! Please make a separate comment for a second chance! New followers are always welcome and if you have a blog leave a link in your comment!

The one winner will receive:
One Fat Eighth Bundle (16) of Perfect Pairing by Kim Diehl and the pattern "Biscuit and Jam"!

I will ship internationally! This giveaway starts, Monday, December 9, 2013 and ends 8 p.m. on Friday, December 13, 2013, the winner will be announced December 15, 2013.

Happy Giveaway Day!
Thank you for stopping by!
Create and be unique,

During large blog hops such as this one it is nearly impossible to answer all the comments. I do read every one and appreciate them!
Thank you for understanding!

This giveaway is closed!


  1. I'd like to meet Laura Ingalls Wilder... I read and reread her books so many times while growing up, plus my childhood home isn't too far away from a few of her book locations. She would be such an interesting lunch date!

  2. I would love to meet Princess Di as she was my idol as a kid

  3. I'd love to meet FDR. I always found him fascinating as a president.

  4. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Forgot to leave my blog address!

  5. I would meet Julia Child, I just love watching her. She's never afraid to make a mistake.

  6. I would love to meet L.M. Montgomery. I read Anne of Green Gables until I had it memorized

  7. Yay I am a GFC follower - hello and HAPPY MONDAY!

  8. Hmmm - tough question but I would say that I would love to meet Martha Stewart and do a craft day!!!

  9. I would choose tom cruise because its awesome.

  10. I'm a follower! thanks for the chance

  11. George Clooney- need I say more!!!!

  12. Thank you so much for this nice prize, I would love to meet Jesus

  13. I can't really think if anyone I would like to meet :(. I'm sure one will come to me later lol. Thanks or hosting a great giveaway!

  14. I think today I'd say Elizabeth Taylor or Brigham Young. I'm at .
    (ps when I click on stitch on prints it says the link does not exists on the blog?)

  15. I follow on Bloglovin already.

  16. I would like to meet Shakespeare to ask how he managed to write all of the wonderful plays and poetry. Thanks for a lovely giveaway.

  17. Nelson Mandela and Gandhi are two men I would love to have met.

  18. I follow your blog via bloglovin! Merry Christmas, Lisa.

  19. I would love to meet jenny Beyer. Her piecing and quilting technique are so precise.

  20. I would love to spend the afternoon with Moses. I can't imagine being asked to do something so important and yet feeling so inadequate to get the job done.

  21. Robin Williams also! So lets make a deal right now, if either of us get a chance we'll invite the other one along. The man makes me laugh till I cry down my legs!

  22. One of my favorite authors is (was) Madeleine L'Engle. I would love to meet her and discuss some of the themes in her books and discuss her theology. i have read A Wrinkle in Time many many times, but I still find something new each time - it is truly a classic children's book.

  23. I follow and have for some time, via GFC and Bloglovin'

  24. Supposing it would have to be someone who spoke English, I would probably go with Abraham Lincoln.

  25. I am a follower via Bloglovin.

  26. I would love to meet Abraham Lincoln. I would love to discuss his theories on the Supernatural . And figure out exactly what he believed existed and why.

  27. I would love to meet Reba! She is such a talented musician and business woman, wife, mother! What an inspiration!

  28. Good morning, Lisa.I would love to meet Johnny Depp. I think he is a hunk. (What more could I say?) Thanks for the great giveaway.

  29. Of course, I am a follower through GFC/Bloglovin.

  30. What a great bundle - just my colors! I have been a follower.

  31. I would love to meet my great grandfather and hear his story of leaving his homeland and family to start anew in America.

  32. The famous person I would love to meet would have to be Ernest Hemingway. He lived (and died) in my area, loved the outdoors, and wrote so well.

  33. I'd love to meet Carol Burnett because she is and always has been one of my favorite comedians. Great giveaway and I follow you (of course) on Bloglovin!

  34. Hello! I've been a follower on your blog for a while as well. Thanks for the great giveaway! Ilene

  35. I'd love to meet Katherine Hepburn. She was such a model of class and I've so enjoyed her films. Ilene

  36. I would like to meet the pioneer woman. lover her cooking show!

  37. Hmmm... Bonnie Hunter has been a huge influence on my quilting style; it'd be awesome to spend a day sewing with her! And hey, it could still happen!

  38. Hmmm. This is a tough one. I would like to meet TW Tozier (I think those are his initials), the blogger behind Big Mama, Peter (from the bible), and both George Bushes. I guess I covered quite a variety of men and women!

  39. I would love to meet Judi Madsen and spend a day having her show me how she comes up with her fantastic quilting.

  40. I'd love to meet Henry VIII to see just how he managed to charm those Queens!

  41. I would like to meet Ann Curry, NBC news correspondent. I love the stories she has done and oh the places she has been.

  42. Angela Lansbury, my favourite film growing up was bedknobs and broomsticks.

  43. I would like to meet my quilting relatives that have passed on so we could do a bee together :)

  44. Freddie Mercury. I think he was an interesting person to talk to.
    Thanks for a chance to win! julia(dot)glotova(at)gmail(dot)com

  45. I would like to meet Ronald Reagan!

  46. that is a tough one - I would like to spend some time with Georgia OKeefe - she is one of my favorite artists and I could learn a lot from her I am sure.

  47. I'd love to meet Stephen King because he's been a big inspiration to me as a writer. :)

  48. I think I would love to spend an afternoon with Rock Hudson. His life was so public and so secret, I would love to know how he dealt with that

  49. Thank you for the chance to win some beautiful fabrics. I think I would like to spend some time with Queen Victoria. I knew she knitted socks for the English soldiers, and adored her Albert. She made home and family to be seen as of great value and importance

  50. I would like to spend an afternoon with Jacques Cousteau and hear all about all the wonderful adventures he has had.

  51. I'd love to meet Jenny Doan (Missouri Star Quilting) so I could learn more quilting tips.

  52. Michelangelo! The artist not the Ninja Turtle. I would love to discuss how he was able to create so many beautiful pieces of art!

  53. I think I would like to meet Mary Magdalene. I would like to hear in her own words her story.

  54. I am a follower. Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway.

  55. my answer would be God and jsut to talk with him

  56. I would love to meet Gwen Marston.:)

  57. I would like to meet Ellen. llatham0306 at gmail dot com.

  58. I would like to meet Jael or Deborah of the Old Testament

  59. I would love to meet Judy Niemeyer or Jacqueline De Jonge.


  60. i would love to meet si robinson from duck dynasty. that man cracks me up. i think he is the one that makes that show so popular plus i love the way they always eat and pray together. so many people are ashamed of being christians, but if it was not for the good lord, i would not have made it when my daughter died in my arms.

  61. i follow you via bloglovin. you know lisa, i once had a pet squirrel and they can be better guard dogs than a dog.

  62. i'm dutch and i would love to meet the new King of the Netherlands, especially has a similar degree to me.

  63. I would love to spend time with Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Thank you for an awesome giveaway!

  64. I love that bundle! I would love to meet and take classes with Eleanor Burns and Bonnie Hunter. Thanks!

  65. I follow your blog! Thanks again.

  66. I would love to meet C. S. Lewis. Such a wonderful writer.

  67. I would have loved to have met Nelson Mandela. Thank you for the giveaway!

  68. I`d love to meet the pope Francisco.

  69. I'd want to meet Abraham Lincoln. Thanks for the chance to win.

  70. I'm already following with Bloglovin'. Thanks again.

  71. Helen Keller. She is an amazing model of overcoming all the odds and never giving up.

  72. I would like to meet Jesus I have lots of questions.

  73. Thinking like you... I'd say Will Ferrell. I know he could keep me laughing!

  74. I would love to meet Josh Grobin. His voice amazes me!

  75. I would like to meet Bonnie Hunter and take one of her classes, I could learn so much.

  76. Those fabrics are perfect for me! And the pattern is too cute. Thanks for the chance to win. I would love to go back in time and talk to my grandmother about all the genealogy questions I have! Or maybe even my great grandmother. =)

    dezertsuz at gmail

  77. I do follow your blog on e-mail.

    dezertsuz at gmail

  78. I would love to be able to talk to my great grandfather again and learn all he had to know. I was too young to appreciate him when he was alive.

  79. I would love to meet and talk to any President of the US and his wife. I think it would be an honor to hear their story. I respect their position regardless of power and each would have a unique story to tell.

  80. I'm an ongoing follower.

  81. I would love love love to meet Eddie Vedder!

  82. I would love to meet President Lincoln. He was the most fascinating person.

  83. I would love to talk to Hatshepsut, the only female Pharaoh to have ever ruled Ancient Egypt. Always loved ancient history growing up! Thanks so much for the chance!!

  84. My great grandfather, Heber J Grant.

  85. I would like to meet Jesus, there are so many questions that I would like to ask him, but my one condition is that he speak English so that I could understand the answers.
    thelady at

  86. I'm already a follower.
    thelady at

  87. I follow you by email! Lisadcox4atgmaildotcom

  88. Gorgeous fabrics; love that red. I follow with Feedly. I'd like to meet and visit with my great, great, great, (great?) grandfather and find out his reasons for coming to America...but he's not I'd like to spend some time with Abraham Lincoln because I've always admired him.

  89. I follow your great blog on email, I love reading about your life, family, art, and activities. I would love to meet my maternal greatgrandmother. She immigrated from Sweden with her family to farm the great plains in Iowa. She went to Chicago as a nanny, married a much older man and had 7 daughters. She raised her family by having a small farm, cows and chickens. She eventually got her husband's Civil War pension, and raised 4 of her grandchildren, one of whom was my mother.

  90. I would like to spend the day with Abraham Lincoln. He had many challenges in his life. I would like to talk about the way he was able to handle the,.

  91. I would love to meet Lucille Ball! She has been my all time fav comedian. Her sitcoms and movies are priceless!

  92. I have been following your blog via email for awhile now. Thanks for the inspiration!

  93. Someone famous? That's hard. I think it'd be pretty cool to meet Pres. Obama, though.

  94. I'd want to meet Douglas Adams and thank him for his books. On our first date my husband and I discovered we were both big fans and after that we never ran out of things to talk about (to this day, over 17 years later. :)

  95. I would love to meet Sandra Bullock. I love her movies and While You Were Sleeping is my all time favorite. Beautiful fabric and pattern! Thank you for sharing! anglanouette at gmail dot com

  96. I have been a happy Bloglovin follower! anglanouette at gmail dot com

  97. That's a difficult question, I can't decide on any 20th century person, so I go back in history, I'd like to meet Eleanor of Aquitaine and know about her travels and her politics.

  98. I would have liked to meet Mother Teresa. She was such a wonderful person, so giving of herself and her belief in God.

  99. I follow you by e-mail and have for quit some time. I do enjoy your site.

    Thank You,

  100. Amelia Earhart would have been fascinating to know.

  101. I'm following your blog via email.

  102. I follow you by email.
    Happy Holidays !

  103. I would have meet my grandmothers, only :(

  104. Carol Burnett.......all time funniest. Thanks

  105. I follow by email. Thanks, great giveaway.

  106. I wish I had met Erma Bombeck. She had a wonderful spence of humour.

  107. I've become follower via blog lovin

  108. Would love to chat with Ellen DeGeneres she seems such a funny,friendly person.

  109. I would love to meet Laura Ingles Wilder - I read her book many times

  110. I'd love to meet Alan Rickman just to listen to his voice!!

  111. I would love to meet Corrie Ten Boom. She lived through more than I could every imagine.

  112. I'd like to meet Frank Sinatra. My fav. I'd probably be tongue tied to say the least.

    PS I like you boon docks blog.

  113. Ashley Judd. I have been fortunate enough to actually speak to her about her airline reservations in the past and she seems like such a down to earth person.

  114. forgot to put my blog..

  115. I would love to have met Jesus Christ! Also, my great-grandparents, and my grandmother, all who died before I was born!

  116. Hmmm, I guess I would like to spend an afternoon with Julia Childs. She is such an interesting character and has a great attitude toward cooking and dining. svonfumetti at yahoo dot com

  117. Can I pick 3 I just read the book the President the Pope and the prime minster:3 people who changed the world. Would love to sit down and get their personal stories of their time during the cold war and their take on society now

  118. Beautiful colors! I would like to meet Willie Nelson!

  119. Abraham Lincoln because he held our nation together.

  120. new follower

  121. President Kennedy, he seemed like a genuine person that went to soon.
    smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

  122. I follow via email, thanks.
    smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

  123. I'd love to sit down with Abraham! I think he must have been such a fascinating man of faith, despite his flaws.

  124. I'd love to meet Sandra Day O'Connor -- what a woman to balance her career and family!

  125. Thank you for serving our country! I would like to meet the Kennedy's. My daughter (17) is obsessed with them. If I had to pick one of them, I would pick Jaqueline bc she like her better. My daughter has tons of books and magazines in her room. I even found a text print fabric that looks like a newspaper that headlines his death. I plan to make something quilty with it so she can put it on her wall. Thanks for the chance to win! karrie

  126. I (already) follow on BL-karrie smith. I do have a blog, but I haven't been posting for awhile. Next year I plan to work on more projects (I'm a beginner). It's hard when there is so many awesome quilts people are making on the internet! Here is the link:

  127. I would love to spend the day with Will Farrell, I think it would be a hoot. Thanks for the give away!

  128. I would love to meet C.S. Lewis. (They don't have to be a current famous person right?) I am intrigued by how he was able to interconnect faith and fiction.

  129. Patrick Stewart, because he's such a great actor and interesting person.

  130. I would most like to have met Jesus. Just because.

  131. I started following you with bloglovin

  132. I think it would be fun to have a cup of tea with Julia Childs.

  133. I'm following through Bloglovin.

  134. Theodore Roosevelt would be my choice, he was a good guy in politics. He loved playing with his children more than anything. He was also a very intelligent man. I'd also love to go back in time. Thanks for the great question and giveaway! ;-> Toni Anne

  135. I would have liked to meet John Wayne because I always thought he was such a man's man when I saw in movies as a child. Merry Christmas!

  136. I would LOOOVE to meet (& spend lotsa time with) Carol Burnett!! I have loved her since I was little girl..... Just KNOW she would be amazing friend!!! :)

  137. I follow you thru Bloglovin & Email...don't wanna miss anything! lol

    Merry Christmas!!

  138. I would like to meet Mozart--he is my favorite composer.

  139. That's a hard one but I think it would be Harvspeter Ueltschi, the president of Bernina. I would love to know how they come up with the innovative ideas they use to create new ways of sewing on a machine.

  140. I'm a long time follower via GFC and now Bloglovin.

  141. Agatha Christie, she is my all time favourite :) I'd love to discuss her writing process.
    Thank you for the chance :)

  142. Hmm, maybe Albert Einstein (is that too obvious?). I just think he'd be interesting to talk to.


  143. I would love to meet Dolly Parton. I have always loved her singing, and I love how she came from being very poor to becoming so famous. She seems to be such a jolly soul.

  144. Great giveaway thank you! I would love to sit down and talk with Tori Amos, she has a beautiful voice and is a genius on the piano. I would love to know more about her.

  145. That's a really hard question. I would love to meet Queen Elizabeth and ask her what it felt like when she realized that she would be the Queen of England. I love seeing the pictures of when she was a young Queen. She has met so many people through her long life.

  146. I would like to meet and spend a day with Julia Childs... Maybe she can part some of her cooking knowledge/wisdom on me for this picky household I live in.

  147. New follower via bloglovin.

  148. I would have loved to have met Princess Diana, I remember the day she got married and it was televised in the US.
    Great giveaway hope I win, Thanks!

  149. I would love to meet Johnny Depp. He amazes me with the number of movies he has done and the fact that he can take on so many different roles. I would love to know how he does it. It also hels that he is hot. :)

  150. I would love to meet Betty White. She is an amazing and beautiful person who has done so much in her life.

  151. I would love to follow your blog. I'm not that computer savvy to figure out how though. =(
    My email is

  152. I'd love to have tea or a pint with Hugh Laurie

  153. Oh, I do not know who I would like to meet! Mahatma Ghandi, maybe...

  154. emmevon(at)gmail(dot)com
    Ira Glass b/c I'm a public radio nerd!

  155. emmevon(at)gmail(dot)com
    new bloglovin follower!

  156. I wish I could have met Mahatma Gandhi

  157. I'd love to meet Shakespeare because, well, it would just be fascinating!

  158. I follow your blog on bloglovin'

  159. I would like to meet Thomas Jefferson! He was such an educated man. I don't think people realize how many things he invented as well as the fact that he designed Monticello and parts of the University of VA.

  160. Well Jesus of course, because he is my personal savior! Face to face I mean ya know just to hang out and see if we got it right or if we are totally off course!

  161. Jesus for obvious reasons. Abraham Lincoln also.

  162. I would love to meet John Lennon!!

  163. I follow your blog via Bloglovin' - thanks!!

  164. Nancy Zieman - she turned a hobby into a full fledged career! Thanks for the chance.

  165. I'm a follower! Thanks for the chance.

  166. Oh it would be Elvis He just has the best hips ever!!!!! hahaha.

  167. I would like to meet Jane Austen. I love all of her books. Thanks fr the great giveaway.


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