Le Challenge

Le Challenge #8 Precious


My favorite boy has been feel a under the weather. I snapped this photo of him last night after thinking once again what I have made that I thought was precious. I think of my children and grandchildren as precious. Mainly because they are precious to me. Then as I looked at him sleeping on his zebra pillow, laying on the Christmas quilt, covered by my big bed quilt, with the blanket I crocheted on the plane to wait for his birth, this is why I create things! To wrap the people I love, in my love! These things I created are precious to him! I hope it make sense!

I think this blurry photo of my granddaughter, 10 months old, yelling Nana at me is precious! I keep this picture for that reason! Yes Mrs. Lucy
Charm About You I did take this photo so does the photo count as an entry? Ha ha! The hand on the right is Davids not the babys.
Inspiration has struck!

I am working on a first Christmas quilt for my noisy beauty and just finished the hand stitching on the panel. I will show you more on this quilt later and get some outside pictures! I think Zoey will think it is precious, she likes textures and color!

These two children inspire me to make or is it create?
If it becomes precious to them, I have done my job!

Until next time,
Create and be unique,


  1. Lisa they are so adorable. Love the new project you started. It will be beautiful.

  2. these panels are adorable so as the kids.

  3. Very precious, thanks for sharing on le challenge!

  4. No challenge here, the grandies are very precious and certainly Nana, whatsoever you create for them is also very precious. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos!

  5. Precious is to be surrounded by love - that top photo of David is the optimum of it!

  6. Grandchildren are precious indeed

  7. Adorable! The hand photo made me laugh!! Thanks for linking up :)


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