Pity Party Giveaway


Welcome to the Pity Party!

Hi all! It has been a rough couple weeks here on the home front for me!

I love this blog and all the friends I have made over the last two years but there are times when I don't know how or what to share. How much do I put out there without worrying about offending someone or hurting another feelings.

My Grandchildren mean the world to me but at times everything gets to be a little to much for me. For the last 10 days we had both children and they were sick.

I have deadlines I have missed and projects that have gone undone, much less started!

I have throw my back out, am on new medicines, and now have the kids cold!

I will get back to the business of creating as soon as I feel better!

I think this is what some would say a "pity party"!

Oh yes, it is snowing here in the hills of West Virginia! It was almost 70 degrees yesterday and today cold. So, maybe that is also causing my whiney attitude. Hopefully, in a day or two I will be cheerful and productive. Until then I am stuck in bed!

Why you ask do I tell you all this because I would rather post something than nothing for weeks at a time.

So, if you have made it this far you deserve something for listening!


How about a quart bag full of fabric scraps to cheer us up!

I know I have some April Showers and great combos of Modern Yardage. I will even throw in some scraps from the awesome Hawthorne Threads Scrap Bags I got recently!

How to Enter?

Open to everyone who has an address Worldwide!

1. You get one comment to add to the Pity Party!
(you know I think I am feeling better already)

Starts today and ends next Sunday, April 20, 2014, at Midnight! Tell your friends about the Pity Party and lets see who wins!

Thank you for listening, Lisa


  1. Oh Lisa! Im so sorry you are having a rough time. It never rains but it pours, right? I really hope you are all getting better now! Here in Spain Spring has finally come. The willows are preparing their nests and the sun is brighter. Im sending some of it your way!

  2. I am sorry to hear about this. Sometimes my life to gets in the way of my creation and its been that way lately. Which stresses me out.

    I hope you feel better and get back to the wonderful creation. By the way, I love that little April showers dress on top of the post :-). Just lovely!

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  3. Hugs Lisa. Sorry to hear you have so much going on....I really do know where you are comeing from. Hang in their with both hands and ride this storm out. You and your family are the most important things. Blogs can wait and so can friends and swaps. Your lil one is a cutie pie....Creativity for me comes in spurts and lately all but my family and my health has fallen to the sidelines.But I know one day my creativity will return again.

  4. Ah, but look at your sense of humor! Hang in there, it'll be warmer tomorrow and hopefully you'll ALL be feeling much better then, too. For now, the snow is pretty and it sounds like you have a great excuse for a nap. (((Hugs)))

  5. Sorry to hear about your illness and injuries. Your blogging friends are patient and understanding so no worries -- just feel better.

  6. This to shall pass.. meanwhile some hot honey and cinnamon water will help! and lots of rest.

  7. Get well soon! Being sick is no fun! Thanks for the giveaway! Feel free o host a pity party whenever you need to. That is what bloggy friends are for!

  8. I hope you are feeling better soon.

    Friends of mine have 2 little ones that they adopted & the boy has almost broken his nose. . . and now has a sinus infection. Their girl has the flu & decided to share that one with her mother.

    So you are in very good company with having a Pity Party.

    As far as the weather. . . . I hear ya, I was in shorts 3 days ago. . .now I am thinking of pulling out the winter coat again!!

    Have a happy party!! LOL

  9. Oh, I hope your days get better and better, and of course they will. Everyone deserves a pity party every once in a while. Just revel in it :)

  10. I'm sorry to hear things are a bit rough for you at the moment Lisa. Get better soon and may the Spring sunshine come back to warm you up!

  11. Awwww... sorry to hear that you and your family were not well especially when you want to enjoy your time together! Nothing wrong with sharing stuff like this because like you said you feel a little better and that is what is needed!! Thanks for having a pity party - I've never participated in one like it but the surprise is something to get excited about!!

  12. Lisa, tomorrow is another day and things will look much better. I have been to your "pity party" several times lately so I know for a fact that things will start looking up soon. Just take care and hang in there.

  13. Hope things improve quickly for you... Fabric scraps are always able to put a smile in my face, though! As for my pity party comment... I've been living with my inlaws since September. *sigh*

  14. Hang in there Lisa. You will turn the corner shortly. I love my grands, but when they share those germs...well, this Grammie doesn't like it either. I hope you are feeling better soon. We will be here when you are back to yourself.

  15. Sorry you
    Have had it so rough!!! I hear you about weather. Here in NoVa it was 86 yesterday and cold enough for a coat today ( not to mention the constant heavy downpour). Buck up. It has got to get better.

  16. Yep right along with you. I refused to look outside at the snow today and instead worked on finishing up a quilt to the flimsy stage. I am playing ostrich if I ignore it, it will go away.

  17. I'm so bummed things are sucking it up over your way. Back pain is just the worst and it sounds like you really don't have time for it.

    Take your time, do what you need to do get all better and we'll be here when you get back! :)

  18. Everyone needs a pitty party once in a while! I get really cranky when I can't sew and create when life gets in the way. Nana you did what you had to do. Prayers for a speedy recovery and a bounce back with the most awesome SUPERPOWERS! I can't wait to see what happens when you're better!

  19. So sorry that you are feeling bad and that your grands were sick too. Have a short pity party topped with chocolate in bar form or as hot chocolate. I'll join the party just for the sake of my back.
    thelady at hotmail.com

  20. So sorry that things aren't going quite right now. My grandbabies ahve been sick a lot the last couple of months and I have been going back and forth to help watch them. Of I then bring home with me whatever they had. But well worth it to see the sweet little ones!


  21. Well Sweet Lady...sending Ohio Hugs & lotsa Prayers your way....quick feelin' better & gettin your Oomph back fast too!! We have snow here today too...was 70 yesterday...definitely Ohio weather lol lol

  22. Awww Poor babies...It is hard when they are sick and everything else starts to fall apart, but it will get better. You will begin to be your self again and then it will be all uphill. Take care of yourself....bpfrimmer@yahoo.com

  23. I sure hope you can perk up soon. It has also been quite cold here in the deep South. We thought spring was here, but Mother Nature decided otherwise.
    Thanks for a chance to win. Fabric always cheers me up! After Christmas, I had bronchitis, and had been inside for 3 weeks straight. The first warm day my husband took me to a new fabric store, and it was the best medicine!

  24. Hate it when the kids are sick. I have a sick (cold or bad allergies) 21 year old who has decided to move home, my husband is away for two day and when I went to climb into bed (alone) last night a dog had wet my bed for me! All fixable, thank goodness. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  25. Sounds like you are well in need of a good whine. This seems like a good place to do it! Sorry you're feeling poorly. This too shall pass..

  26. What a dreadful couple of weeks. Sounds like some rest & relaxation is needed. Hope you'll feel better soon. lyn.robyn.smith@gmail.com

  27. sorry its been so difficult for you recently - life really can get overwhelming at times. Hope you are feeling better soon xx

  28. Enjoy the rest, you sound like you've earned it these last couple of weeks. I'm having my own pity party as I have a sick 18month old and the noisiest neighbour which is causing her to not be able to sleep so were all miserable.

  29. I know how weather can changes moods. Unfortunately, it is nearly 100 where I live. I am not ready for the heat!

  30. Sending you hugs to comfort you. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

  31. Lisa, Lisa, Lisa - It didn't get over 40 Monday it was 78 in the house for two days here in OK. I wanted to turn on the A/C. I was having hot flashes and didn't because I knew it was going to be BRRR! Maybe it'll be a white Easter. I have to get out tomorrow to GriefShare - hep - trying to recoup from some deaths last year. Thanks for my bro and sis-in-law they got me in this wonderful program. Then Thursday night is quilt guild meeting. You should be getting a surprise from my bro soon - that ought to lift your spirits. Seeing you step sidewalk down the side of your house made me homesick. My grandparents had one down the side of their house when we were growing up. Still trying to decide if I want to come to WV for my 45th high school reunion this summer. Take care. We have been under tornado alerts this week. I'm certainly not immune to them - my grandson was in the only elementary school in Moore last year that had F5 rated tornado shelter when the tornado hit there last year. His mother grandmother lived a block from the school where the children died in the school. Her house was hit. She was not at home. One of her adult sons had gone to get her dogs. Her ex-husband called him and told him to get out of the addition. So, I'll take bad weather with no damages. I can empathize with the pity party. A giveaway always perks everyone up.

  32. Everyone deserves a Pity Party when they've overwhelmed as you obviously are. Sure hoping things are better for you soon! These cold days that have sneaked back up on us are not helping either!!! Take care!

  33. Hi Lisa - sorry to hear you've been having a rough time!
    Here in England the sun is shining, the birds are singing and life is good!
    Take care xx

  34. Don't worry Lisa......each and every one of us have at some stage had our own pity parties...I know I am certainly an expert pity party thrower! Sorry to hear that the little ones are under the weather ....I'm sure that you are spoiling them too :) Hope you start feeling all chipper again real soon! xx

  35. What's a party without cake and ice cream! Pity party's need them even more. I'm sure those grandkids would agree! Well wishes to you all.

  36. I feel your pity. I am in the same boat. While we were on vacation my son and his family had a house fire and lost every thing. They moved in while we were away. I take a deep breath a lot. It is hard when someone invades your space. We have all gone through the flue and bad colds. Monday I just wanted to go to my sewing room but since they are using the reck room as a bedroom and they were home all day I didn't get there. I went for a walk and visited a friend. I can see me going to our trailer on the long weekend for the summer. Normally I don't like going there that soon but this year I am looking forward to it. We love our kids and our grandkids but the older we get the harder the work is. So do like I do and take it one day at a time.

  37. So sorry...this crazy weather is definitely not helping, to be sure. Being sick on top of it, makes one feel dreadfully whiny! And here I thought it was just my kids. =) Hope you feel better soon.

  38. Hope you feel better soon, I haven't been posting much lately either...the weather and some family health issues have been keeping my mojo at a minimum...it's ok!

  39. I'm so sorry we sent our snow to you... but it had to go SOMEWHERE! See we had 70 on Saturday and snow on Tuesday! I do hope u feel better!

  40. I am sorry for your difficulties. My week hasn't been great either. I had to take a week off work to run my daughter to appointments every single day. Three tanks of gas...expensive! Then it rained 6 inches in one day, our basement flooded and shorted out the hot water heater. Then got my taxes back and have to pay the IRS even more money. On top of that my serger broke. So thanks for letting me in on your pity party. Oh, and my job that I love working in a fabric store is closing and I will be out of work and have no place to shop locally. Just the icing on the cake.

  41. I'm hoping you feel better soon. I know I was whining about the snow and the cold yesterday too. But today the sun is shining and that gives me hope that we will warm up again and stay there.

  42. My week was similar, that is, with a 2 year old sick grandchild. I threw my back, but did not get her illness. Your back needs rest. Now, 12" of snow is predicted to start falling this morning. Keep Smiling!

  43. You go right ahead and have your pity party! I was recently gifted thec24 flu bug from my grands! Love them to pieces. But I could do with out that flu! Also you getting snow, well here in the desert, we have been getting 90 degree temps. Time to start thinking about the air conditioner! No! Please a little more spring weather.... thanks for the chance. Please get better! Hugs

  44. It seems this has been a theme in quite a few houses with folks being very sick and I think somewhat run down from the prolonged winter so many have experienced (and are still coping with). I hope you and the grandmunchkins are feeling better very soon. Relax (if you can), stressing won't help and take care. Come on back when you're ready and able. I've been in the same boat and have yet to jump back on the bandwagon :)

  45. I hope you're feel better soon. I had my pity party last week when youngest grandson was in the hospital for three days, he got out on his first birthday.

  46. You are going to think I am terrible but it's nice to see that someone else life doesn't run perfect all the time. I try not to let things depress me but sometimes life beats you up a little. We always bounce back because life is much more fun when you are upbeat. Enjoy a rest and your wonderful grandkids.

  47. Hi!!! Hope you'll are feeling better soon!!!! Sending hugs and prayers to all!!!

  48. I'm sorry about your back, my partner has two herniated discs and since he is only 27 we are working with his doctor to put off surgery as long as possible. I hope your new medicines work their magic for you soon and you are back to creating!

  49. Hi! I understand how you feel. This crazy weather (in Arkansas) is about the same, hot one day freezing cold the next. It really messes with your sinuses. I hope that you feel better soon! I have always heard that April is a difficult month, so needless to say, I am ready for May! ;) Feel better soon! -Brittany

  50. There's no UP without a Down...And sometimes we just need to embrace it as you did...feel better soon. B-)

  51. i know what you mean about starting new meds. if you ever read the side effects it will scare the living crap out of you. sometimes i woder if the cure is worse than the disease. just rest and take care of yourself. life will get better! as quilters we should stand together and be able to discuss our bad times as well as the happy times. we are a compassionite group and everyone, no matter how happy and chipper you are normally, we all deserve a pity party once in a while babscorbitt@gmail.com

  52. Pity party well deserved!!! Feel better soon. I can't imagine coughing with a back that is out. OUCH!!!

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Boy howdy, I hear you! I am an all-purpose pity partier. If my kids' schedules don't permit the grands to come over, I feel sorry for myself (neglected) over that. But if they want them to stay for many hours, beyond my endurance (which gets more fragile every year) I feel sorry for myself (exhausted and overwhelmed) over that, too! When the Littles are cranky, when they can't be pleased, when they are unreasonable with each other . . . . I never knew how needy I could be until I discovered grandchildren and had a whole new ego-identity where my nose can so easily be put out of joint, lol! I've learned that the exact same stuff that works for them works for me -- be sure to eat something healthy, get some extra rest, have some quiet time. Trouble is, those are exactly the self-care things they often prevent me from having. Good thing they're so worth it! :) And heaven help us all if I get sick!!! Feel better soon -- Hang in there.

  55. Lisa, I hope you feel better soon! Take a slow stroll around your yard and enjoy spring, movement is good for the back and spring is good for the soul. 24Tangent@gmail.com

  56. Oh no, that must be rough! My husband throws his back three times already within the last 6 months I think, though I've never had it, I know that it can really hurt! It's been quite the sick season too, everyone's getting sick. I hope your days will start getting better and everyone will feel better soon!

  57. My husband had to be out of town and I have worried for 4 days over a bad mammogram report. Everyone in my family has had cancer except me. I just new it was my turn but after another mammogram and 2 ultrasounds I got a good report. So relieved. I am blessed.

  58. I hurt my back 1 1/2 weeks ago. We moved from IL to AL last June and had planned to drive up to IL, leaving today. But my back needs more time to heal. I can take more pain meds in 1 hr. This pity party definitely needs chocolate! Hope you feel better soon. Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.net

  59. Post whatever you like! Don't worry about others. Do what makes you happy. I don't live too far from you ... and it snowed here all day yesterday. Aagghhh!! But today is amazing and I'm grateful for it. It's nice of you to have a Pity Party Giveaway! I'd love to have some scraps of fabric!

    Wishing you a blessed Holy Week.

  60. We're all allowed to have a pity party when needed - I've been having one this whole winter - the cold temps and ice and snow and power failures have been almost unbearable. Like you we finally got a taste of spring this past weekend, then it snowed all day yesterday. And the snow is still here! PITY PARTY TIME!

  61. Hi Lisa! So very sorry you had to throw a party. :( Yes, I've felt the same at times but hopefully with spring time temps on the horizon things will take an opposite turn for the better! I hope so, and i would love to win those scraps!

  62. Party on Lisa! I admire you for maintaining your sense of humor. I hope things are better soon!

  63. I'm feeling you girlfriend and have been wondering how you are doing? Kids, what can I say they sap the energy straight out of you, at least my kids get kind of quiet if they are sick, hoping you are feeling better soon, come over to my blog to enter my giveaway and maybe feel a tad better.

  64. Hope you feel better soon. This winter has been brutal for so many people.

  65. Sorry to hear about your grandkids being sick...and now, you! Not fun. They say Spring is here, but we're expecting more snow. I think Mother Nature is having a heyday with us this year! Some wicked sense of humour she has!! LOL.

  66. Feel better - all of you! Mother Nature needs to take a break on all of us!!! I agree with of the other commenters - cake , ice cream! party!

  67. We are traveling with our twin three year olds. You have my full sympathy. And amazement that you've managed not just a blog post but a generous giveaway!

  68. I struggle with the same "how much" questions, so I feel your pain. I know I would be feeling, "Hey, I reared my children, why am I doing this again?" =) Thank you so much for the giveaway chance. I LOVE scraps and don't make much that isn't a scrap quilt any more! dezertsuz at gmail

  69. When I talk about days like you've just described, my father always says that I'm earning lots of Brownie points -- not sure what those are good for ;), but I'd say you'd earned a bucket full! Thanks for the giveaway; I could sure use those scraps! sarah@forrussia.org

  70. I'm so sorry to hear your so down. Hope you feel better really soon. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a rut and don't know how to get out. I'm in a counted cross rut right now. Just can't get to working on anything. Usually when something like this happens, I spend more time with my furry four legged babies. They tend to soothe and distress me. Hope you can get some rest and happy doings.. Scraps always work for applique and piecing which I love. Thanks
    katztoo at exede dot net

  71. So sorry you are feeling bad! I hope the grandkids cheer you up as well as share their germs.

  72. I am sorry that you are feeling so bad. I can relate as when I got up this morning and seeing snow coming down, I decided to take some tylenol and go back to bed..I felt yukky and even though I have a friend coming from out of town next week, I just gave into my aches and pains and put off for yet another day cleaning and getting ready for my guest. So, I can say that I am very happy to share in your "pity party". Seriously though, I hope that you feel better very soon and get your Spring weather back.
    maggie in cold wet Maine

  73. Aw! That does sound pretty awful ;( Hopefully next week will seem great after this one! ksmith8@emich.edu

  74. Wow no reason to feel bad about unloading your trials and tribulations on us. Sometimes it does a soul good to let it all out. But I sure hope things improve and you can get back to some sewing :-)

  75. sorry you're having a crappy time of it. I've been having a crappy time of it since May last year and I'm hoping that things might just start to improve some time soon. It's not really stuff I want to air in public, but I am wallowing in a pit of self-pity!

  76. Sometimes life just plain sucks. I'm sorry. :(

  77. Pesky kids! Sometime a pity party is just the right thing to hold xx

  78. I so understand needing a pity party. We got quite the snowfall in MN yesterday too. So anxious for warm weather. Plus I'm sick of my winter clothes! lol Hope everyone is feeling better soon.

  79. Sounds like you've had it rough recently. I hope you feel better soon. Kids are great at sharing colds aren't they!

  80. I have Pity Parties too! I hate that spring won't stay, Here is Utah it is the same way. One day it is nice only to wake up the next to snow...Sorry you have had such a bad time lately... Hope you get to feeling better soon...Love your blog

  81. OK, my pity party is about my health. As soon as I turned 65 all hell broke loose! But I still sew as much as possible, so life is still good! Sewingblogsarefun@yahoo.com

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Oh dear, I hope you feel better soon. On the bright side, think of all those projects you can dream about while you're stuck in bed.
    jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

  84. I hope you feel better soon. I had my 4 year old granddaughter for 4 weeks and I wasn't able to get any sewing done, so I understand how you feel about missing deadlines. But it eps as great being able to spend so much time with her. Smile, Spring will be here soon. :-)

  85. Sometimes we all need a pity party! I hope that things will be better for you soon! So kind of you to share some fabric, I hope it brings you good karma!

  86. One day at a time. Sometimes it's one minute at a time! Thanks for the giveaway chance!

  87. Venting is good! Let it go! Thanks for the chance to win.

  88. Boo on sickies! Although, I have to say. I'm slightly jealous that your little will camp out on the couch. My two seem to be bouncing off the walls when they're sick!

  89. pity parties are needed! Vent away!

  90. I have an acute back pain and 8 grandkids, you have my pity and were here for your venting..

  91. Oh Lisa....I get the need for a pity party. Back problems I understand...I have several discs that compress now and again and make it almost impossible to walk without crying, throw littles into that mix...you have my shoulder to lean on and my ear to speak words of pity. XOX feel better soon!

  92. I try not to look after my grand kids if they are sick. I figure I've done all that while raising my own : ) Get better quick. Enjoy your projects!

  93. We will still be here when you are feeling better. Enjoy your time with those kids and build up your immunity! Looking forward to your recovery!


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