Le Challenge & Giveaway reminder

Welcoming in a new "Era" of curves into my sewing!
Le Challenge for August is "Era"

Le Challenge is a monthly challenge
give each month to any crafter!
It is a way a crafter can show
their interpretation on the
subject of the month!

I would love to see knitters, crocheter,
painters, scrapbookers, and designers participate!

Giveaway Notice!
The Flowering Snowball Mini all came in a kit
from Stitch Supply Co
You can enter to win a free one until
September 16th at Midnight!
On that post!

This is how it began!
The curves are much easier to do once
you find what works for you!
For me it was pin in the center
and on both sides that worked the best!
I see more in my future

The "era" of hand quilting has come and gone!
After spending weeks hand quilting a 15" x 15" block,
I see no more hand quilting
anything bigger in my future!
I have new respect for those of you
who can do this skill!

I am linking up with the ladies
(Lucy & Nat)

Le Challenge

Stop by and check out this monthly challenge blog!
It is a lot of fun and there is a prize each month!
Love to see you there!


  1. Your curves look great - I have not been brave enough to try them yet, but it is definitely something I would like to do one day.

  2. Wonderful! Great job and great fabrics

  3. I love what you did with those curves. I'll have to check out the challenge.

  4. Isn't it crazy hand quilting, I totally respect people who do the binding all by hand, sew so amazing.

  5. Love the fabrics you've chosen for this mini! It looks great and reminds me of the disco era. Fun, fun, fun!

  6. Love the fabrics and the use of curves. Thanks for sharing on le challenge! And thanks for the giveaway!


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