ALYOF 2015 January Goal

Happy New Year!
Our household leave 2014
with our sickness and begin
2015 on a healthier note!
Everyone here including myself are all feeling much better!

I really enjoyed participating in
A Lovely Year Of Finishes 2014
Melissa of Sew BitterSweet Designs
and her partner

Shanna of Fiber Of All Sorts!
I admit I did not always make my goal
but mostly it helped me keep on track!
So onward I will go and join up
for the bi monthly check-ins for another year of
A Lovely Year of Finishes 2015!

ALYOF January Goal

My goal this month is to finish the Noodlehead Super Tote, I started at Thanksgiving as a gift for my Cousin's Wife Teresa, she is such a nice person, and like many of us is always carrying around a project she is working on. Poor lady didn't get a Christmas Present because I was to busy tending to my recovering Husband. My wonderful cousin went home after Thanksgiving and came back again to help us when my husband came home from the hospital and did my Honey Do List, he is just like a brother - the best a girl could have! Jessie I love you!

I bought the kit at Craftsy on sale and changed the fabric to more suit the person I was making for out of my stash. I find Craftsy a great place to buy kits and supplies (just so you know they do not sponsor this blog)!

If you have followed this blog very long you know I love Tula Pink! What made me use the Deer is my cousin comes every year to hunt to keep the freezer full! So every time she looks at this bag she will know how much I love her or not, but that was my intent.

I really love this pattern! It has a lot of cutting and as you sew it and it become a very professional looking bag I just hope I can make the inside look as good as the outside! I think Teresa will be very happy with her gift even late!

If you have a blog you should join us with your goal and link up at Sew BitterSweet Designs you can win monthly prizes but best of all you can meet new blogging friends and see a lot of really neat stuff people are really making!

Thank you for stopping bye and looking around!
I hope you find something that interests you!
Create and be unique,


  1. Wow, aren't you on the ball, writing on the first! Glad to hear everyone is getting better.

  2. Love the bag. Good luck finishing it up this month.

  3. Beautiful bag Lisa. I was thinking about you today and wondering how everyone was so I am happy to hear you are all doing better. Take care.

  4. So glad that you and your family are feeling better!

  5. Looks like a very cute project!!

  6. The bag is coming along nicely! I'm sure that she's is going to love it. I've signed up for A Year of Lovely Finishes too. I'm looking forward to seeing your finished bag.


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