Condemned to Boots

I will be forever more condemned to wear boots
outside in the yard
After my last fall my family has demanded
I wear boots in the yard!
Oh well to protect my knees
that have gone on me, I will obey.

The coming of Spring always reminds me of what I can't
or shouldn't do because of possibility
of further injury to my already damaged body!
It has been 15 years since the accident that changed my life
and I still struggle most mornings to
just get out of bed and begin a new day!

Blogging has changed my life in so many ways,
it has given me an outlet to let go of frustration
and accept my life for what it is - wonderful!

I have a home and a loving family!
A place to be and I can walk!
I am so grateful I can walk.
Acceptance that I may never be famous or rich.
I was very ambitious back then and very good with computers.
The internet has all this online training running 24/7
I made those classes for colleges before they
ever went on the net.
It all developed from computer based training.
I have had to redefine who I was after my job
and the education that went into it.
It was gone in a flash
I was barely able to do anything
much less think clearly and communicate
without some random thought
blanking out my mind.
It was really bad in the beginning,
my poor family.
It is only now that I realize how very lucky I am to have them.

I was a woman who needed a purpose for being!
An identity crisis until one day my husband and daughter bought me an iPad.
Using a computer is almost impossible for me for any length of time.
Sitting or standing for to long in any position causes problems.
On the outside I looked pretty normal
on the inside everything was kind of a mess!
Including my brain!

Jump ahead 15 years to now!
I think clearly most of the time !
I sew most days and truly enjoy it!
I get around sometimes slowly but I get there!
I blog - writing, reading, sewing all stimulates the brain!
I find pleasure in life!

I truly believe that someone out there has it worse that me
so I shouldn't ever feel sorry for myself. I have found this to be very true.
I could have it a lot worse and thank God for saving me in so many way.

Why did I just write this post?
I am not really sure except to tell you
that whatever you are going through don't give up on yourself!
Things change it may be quickly or take years.
Nothing is impossible you just might
have to learn a new way to do it!

Thank you for listening to my ramblings!
Create something and be Uniquely You!

A few more days to enter the Aurifil Thread Giveaway


  1. Thanks, Lisa. This was just what I needed to hear today. I had a bit of a pity party this morning, and once that was out of the way, I tried to find reasons to be grateful for everything I do have. It's there if we look. Lucky us!

  2. Oh Lisa! You are so inspiring! Thank you so much for your words! A big fat hug to you!!!!

  3. Lisa, so glad to have met you through blogland. You're brilliant! Thanks for this post, means a lot to me. There have been a few ups and many downs for me in the last years and, I agree, writing a blog has helped me so much.

  4. Such a lovely, honest post. Thanks for sharing xx. Ps. I love those boots - do I see pink?!!!

  5. Maybe you could say "these boots are made for talking" ..rather than just plain old walking!

  6. So glad I can call you my cyber friend. I too am going through some health issues that seem to be changing my life and direction against my will but I'm like you.... I am upright and breathing another day and thank the Good Lord I am and he blesses me another day. Love the boots. Rie is right... These boots are made for "talking". Keep talking my friend. :)

  7. I, too had an accident 19 years that completely changed my life. After the accident I had chronic pain until a few years ago. My doctor and I finally found the right medicine to help. I was taking a narcotic 3-4 times a day. Now I might take a pill every 3 to 4 days. So glad to hear that things have improved for you. Sending peaceful thoughts to you.

  8. What a lovely, inspiring post. It's so nice to hear that things have gotten better for you.

  9. Hug, hug, HUG!!!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com

  10. Inspirational Lisa - you rock. Keep smiling xxxx

  11. We never really know what another person is going through! I keep smiling and pushing forward even if my insides hurt so bad I can hardly move. I baffle Doctors and yet here I am! By the grace of God I wake up every morning and find strength in what I can do and not misery in what I can't! (And pray that some day one Dr will see what the others have missed!)


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