Sailor Top at such a great price

I am doing a bit of selfish sewing! I wanted a nice wardrobe to wear in sticky, hot, Florida, that is cotton. Why because I am a 50 something woman who hates to sweat.

Have you heard of Creativebug it is a online crafting learning site. I love it, I pay $4.95 a month to watch anything on the site. I can save one course a month to watch forever.

This is the Sew a Sailor Top by Fancy Tiger - Creativebug course which came with the pattern. You can do the Creativebug 14 day free trial and get the course and pattern free and make yourself one too! What a great deal. Then when you fall in love with all the different courses available you can pay a one time fee or $4.95 a month and lifelong learn something.

The Fancy Tiger Craft ladies are great instructors and go step by step with you to make this awesome blouse! I could have never made it without the video, but with it, it was a snap!

I am off now to go make a few more shirts for myself! Can't live my life in just teeshirts! Like my shorts? Went to Goodwill and bought a few pairs of name brand slacks and cut them off and hemmed them! Three pairs of nice shorts for under $10!

Got any favorite shirt patterns you want to share please leave the info in the comments. As always thank you for reading and try out the free trial at Creativebug - Craft Classes & Workshops - What will you make today?


Note to readers! I get nothing for writing this post and am not affiliated with Creativebug or Fancy Tiger Crafts! I just like it! Lisa






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