Sewing to Relax


When was the last time it was you, the sewing machine and Aurifil! With everything in the news we should all take a few minutes for ourselves and relax. Take a dark piece of fabric some nifty colored Aurifil. I chose #5007, it looks gray on the spool but comes out "Ice Blue". Beautiful color, like all the different shades of Aurifil thread!


What you need to get started - piece of fabric, piece of batting, 50 wt thread and your sewing machine.

Then just start picking stitches from your machine. You will find some take awhile and others just zip down the road.


Hopefully, this will take your mind off of all the problem in the world. It has really helped me this morning. It doesn't take a lot of thinking and it is good practice. Almost every machine has at least 15 different stitches. Use the completed project in a pillow.


The Orlando Modern Quilt Guild is collecting heart blocks and quilts for the victims and the families. You can go here to find out more

Orlando Modern Quilt Guild: Details for Quilts for Pulse Donations

My heart and prayers are with the injured and the families in Orlando.

I love all of you, Lisa




  1. Thanks for the link to the Hearts for Orlando project. I need to at the very least make a couple of blocks to send. Now, I just need to figure out which fabrics to use.

  2. Thanks for the relaxing sewing tip and especially the link to the Orlando hearts project. I will have something headed their way !!!

  3. Please send me the heart blocks, I cant seem to find them. I would love to help with blocks. Thanks I will not get it if sent to google.


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