Would you like to learn FPP


After the holidays I got ill and spent a little time looking for a block to add to my oldest wip started in 2012 the Craftsy Block of the month. I have 8 completed blocks and one more is enough for a baby quilt.

I love to cruise blogs, instagram, and my wonderful sponsors sites! You just never know what you miss when your so busy you can miss a lot!

The Aurifil Italian Threads website have every color and kind of thread you could dream of and that is not all (one day you should go on the site and click buttons - you will learn something, for sure)! The blog is amazing it shows new promotions, giveaways, bios on new designers, and great articles.

Sure enough on the blog I found the Block of the Month 2016 run by Aurifil Master Pat Sloan Pat Sloan's QuiltersHome each year they choosing the best of the best to create a block for the BOM.

I found this great FREE Foundation Paper Piecing (FPP) block Aurifil 2016 December Designer of the Month Amanda Herring | AURIbuzz this link will take you to the article and interview about Amanda Herring! Amanda Herring is the blogger of the The Quilted Fish and a personal idol of mine!

link to download the December BOM block is here

FPP Flower Block



Once you print it off you will see no teeny tiny parts! Each block has the size of fabric you will need for each part! It is only 4 colors! It is possibly the best written simple pattern that looks great when your done!

So what are you waiting for go download, print, and cut it out! Just one block! That's the way to get started! Look at the fabric sizes you need for pieces. Pick four you like or hate, I do the latter if I am doing something I don't know if I'll like it when I am done. No waste!

As you can see a nice big wedge! The pieces are not all the same but fit together perfect!


You need to set your Sewing Machine width to 1.6, a little stick glue for your first fabric, make sure to use the sizes of fabric Amanda lists on the pattern. A few tools - something to fold your paper over. Mine is a sweet card from a friend. A ruler (1/4" ruler is what my yellow one is) but if you are trying this for the first time you can carefully use any ruler. Then you need a rotary cutter. To trim each piece the 1/4" after sewing it down.


It came out so nice I think I might be making more after I get through sewing a few secret projects! I think this is a great practice block to learn FPP and I hope you do too!

The new Aurifil Designer Block of the Month (BOM) 2017 will be starting soon! If you click on this link Aurifil Italian Threads | Resources and go to the bottom of the page you will see newsletter! But your email in the block! Did I tell you if you make a block during the month it comes out you can enter to win great Aurifil thread!



  1. Beautiful block - I really like those fabrics. At first I thought FPP? French paper piecing? LOL

  2. Great block for that fabric! Thanks for the link to the pattern!


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