Farmers Wife 1930s Block 82 Pharlemia


Welcome followers of the Farmer's Wife 1930's Sampler Quilt Sew-along, I am Lisa, the Official Blogger for this weeks block #82 Pharlemia! I am so glad that I joined this group with Fat Quarter Shop , GnomeAngel, Marti Michell, and the other FQS Bloggers back in 2015. I have met so many talented people and been inspired so many times by the participants in the facebook group.

The beauty of the group is you can start anytime and go through the tutorials and posting! If you are not in the group, you can join - all you need is the book to get started. There is a link under the book on this post to get it for $13.99!

Today's block and letter are on page 38! The letter titled "Just the Beginning and Still Glad", tells of a young couple who lived out the depression on a farm. Even though her husband could not find work in his trained profession. He worked with the local farmers earning just enough to get by. They lived off what they grew and raised on their farm and did just fine. The woman was grateful they had moved to the country. My family and I moved to the country in 2005 from a large city and it is a great place to raise children. Different environment but very peaceful. You learn to be self sufficient and I am happy to call Salt Rock, West Virginia, home.

Pharlemia block #82


Pharlemia is not the perfect block to start to learn Foundation Paper Piecing (FPP). Yes, I said that, with multiple Y-seams it is one of the hardest block I ever did! That said if you have been doing FPP throughout the sew along, you got this one.

Missing directions: The last line in Order for Joining sewing the 2 sections D to J wait and do it last!

Photo A


Instead take the (2) pieces and lay the left section (Photo A) over the right section and start sewing around the block. Make sure you only sew the line on the template. Press. Then start moving around the main block. (Photo B)

Photo B

You will have to fold each section flat to move on to the next section. Again stay on the sewing lines and watch the seam allowances. Once you get back to Section D and J, now is the time to join them.

I have had a great time and will be continuing to make blocks. The book is an excellent reference for beautiful challenging blocks.



The Farmer’s Wife 1930s Sampler Quilt: Inspiring Letters from Farm Women of the Great Depression and 99 Quilt Blocks That Honor Them by Laurie Aaron Hird for Fons & Porter/F+W.


From Marti Michell block diagram From Marti Michell Quilting Blog: Chart 88: Pharlemia, Block 82 in the Farmer's Wife 1930s Sampler Quilt Sew Along


Many thanks to the wonderful Sponsors: From Marti Michell, Fat Quarter Shop and Angie Wilson Pharlemia is Block 82 of Farmer's Wife 1930's Sampler Quilt - GnomeAngel who has devoted so much time and effort into this sew along. It has been a pleasure to learn and assist in the Farmer's Wife 1930s Sampler Quilt Sew Along.


As always thank you for stopping by and reading what I have to say! Peace Lisa



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