Scrappy Project Planner Giveaway


The Scrappy Project Planner and Accessories Giveaway

The Scrappy Project Planner Sew Along is so much fun but it just needs a giveaway! This giveaway is open to everyone! I will personally mail the box anywhere in the world! Everything in the giveaway is available for sale at 'Lori holt scrappy project planner' | Fat Quarter Shop if you want it now!

Giveaway includes the following: Scrappy Project Planner, bee Creative Sticker Book, Gingham Wasbi Tape, Today is the Day Notepad, Sew Cute Bookmarks, and Planner Pens!

This is a Fat Quarter Shop sponsored Giveaway!

Thank you for entering and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. No I don't although I have started to write a list for the week at the start of each week with all the essentials that need to get done!

  2. I try to, but Iam not really good in it! But when I do, it really helps a lot! Thanks for the great give away! It would be awesome to win!

  3. I do and I find i rely on it more and more. This is a cute one!

  4. I try to use to do lists, sometimes it works, sometimes I completely forget them...

  5. I keep a notebook with important info from time to time, but that'd as far as it gets.

  6. I am not a list maker, maybe I should try again.

  7. I try to, but I don't do it every day.

  8. I have not tried this but I would love it!

  9. I've not used a planner before to keep track of my projects. I should probably give it a try.

  10. I keep thinking I need to start writing things in a planner, but I don't. This looks like a great way to organize it!

  11. Yes I use a planner and it's incredibly helpful :)

  12. I do use a planner, but it is really just a notebook.

  13. I have a nice ringed notebook that I received from work. I just handwrite my projects in the pages and refer to it, occasionally. Would be nice to have one specifically made for quilting.

  14. I used free quilting printable charts from the internet forever but this planner is awesome!!

  15. i just love this. I have the planner and love everything about it. It makes me wanna do something every evening (OK, I have a job and that takes up most of my day) Love what y'all do, especially the inspiration. Hugs to you all !!!


  16. I have looked at this at least 50 times on the Fat Quarter Shop website. I don't use a planner, but I think I should. I have too many WIP's and perhaps with a planner I wouldn't have so many. Love your blog.

  17. For many years I used planners, but a few years back I switched to using a digital calendar. My organizational efforts have fallen in the trash and I know it is time for me to go back to using a true planner.


  18. Right now, I use a purse-size planner to keep my appointments and work schedule handy. I'd love a larger planner to keep my sewing projects in line!

  19. I definitely need some help organizing -- I use my laptop but obviously don't have it with me when I need it! :-/

  20. I don't, but I could do with some help to keep track of WIPs.
    jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

  21. I need to!! I have done it just a bit in the past and it was very helpful, and I think it is time I start again, now that I'm a mom, I can't keep track of anything anymore...

  22. I don't use a planner, but I would love to try one.
    Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  23. I don't always use a planner, but I often write project ideas down. Love this as it would keep all my 'thoughts' and actual projects organized in one place. Thanks!

  24. I need help keeping it all together! This will be the cutest way ever!! Thank you!

  25. I love Lori's stuff. The planner would be a terrific thing to have as well as the extras. Thank you for having a giveway!

  26. I've just recently started back to using a planner again after about 6 years of not doing so. They used to keep me on track with everything and life got so out of hand crazy hectic that I thought I should give it a try again!

  27. I have started to use a planner since getting Lori Holt's Scrappy Project Planner.

  28. I just started using a planner. :)

  29. I have a planner - trying to remember where I put it!! LOL mumbird3(at)gmail(dot)com

  30. I haven't been organized enough to use a planner - but it certainly would help1

  31. Yes I use a planner but have been trying to find one I like more than my current one.

  32. I do use one but sometimes forget to use it.

  33. I don't have a planner to organize my quilting projects. Maybe I should try that! This one looks like fun.

  34. I have a planner, but I go in spurts in using it.

  35. I don't currently have a planner for my quilting, but most likely will need one soon as my schedule gets busier and busier. Right now, I tend to use scraps of paper.

  36. It looks like a fun and inspiring tool to use. Thanks for the chance!

  37. I use the UFO Challenge worksheet that can be downloaded from Allpeoplequilt.

  38. I do have a really large planner to keep me organized. It's not a quilting planner. I use it for personal and creative reminders.

  39. I do use a planner, or a calendar- I also love to do lists, because I like crossing things off as I do them! LOL

  40. I have never used a planner...I have a calendar in my computer to help with daily activities, but haven't used any kind of a planner for quilting.

  41. Love Lori`s projects. This would help to organise them. Happy Stitching.

  42. I'm trying to use a planner this year. It's helping a bit.

  43. I used a planner when I was in the working world. I should be using one now too.

  44. I do use a planner to keep track of appointments. This year I got one with one page for each day and I'm trying to put lists/projects to see how that works. I do sometimes write out what I need for quilt projects (just on a piece of paper).

  45. I have to use a planner to get things done.

  46. I do use a calendar/planner for appointments and such but this planner for quilts looks like a must have!

  47. That's a fabulous planner package! I would love to win this creative planner kit. I would definitely use it, so thank you for the chance to win it. dezertsuz at gmail dot com

  48. I should but I don't just lazy now that I'm retired.

  49. I'd really like to start. My current system of scraps of paper scattered about my sewing room is less than effective!

  50. No. I don't but it would no doubt make much more sense than just keeping it all in my thoughts which amounts to me nagging me

  51. No, I have not started using a planner yet for my quilting, but I would love to try!

  52. I would love to have this planner! I need to work on being more organized, this would be a great way to start!

  53. I do keep a calendar, but I would love to have a planner just for my sewing and quilting!

  54. I'm a list maker and use them to keep myself on track. Otherwise I get really distracted and go "chasing squirrels"

  55. I haven't used a planner in a long time, but should probably start again and not just rely on my cellphone. Thanks for the chance.

  56. I have never used a planner. Organization isn't my strong point but I find life to be way less stressful when I do have things planned so I should be using one. Its easy to get overwhelmed with WIP's and UFO's if you don't have a system for managing their completion.

  57. I love daily planners! Sometimes I spend more time keeping it organized than I should, but it feels great to be on top of the chaos.

  58. Last year I learned that using a planner is so much better than my normal quilt room chaos! The scrappy planner looks like the ultimate organizer!

  59. I would keep it for myself. I need to be more organized, is this looks great!

  60. I would love too! i use one at work, why not in my quilting! thanks.

  61. I am a list checker--I would LOVE this planner to plan quilts and learn to design my own quilt(s). And I love all things Lori Holt!

  62. No but I probably should. I do write sticky notes on the bathroom mirror. What a great idea to organize quilting/sewing notes for future reference.

  63. I have used a planner off and on since the early 90s. Currently I am using a Happy Planner - I put appointments, important dates, quilt swap timelines, subscription renewal dates, gift lists and ideas, flavors of food our cats like, etc. in it.

  64. I use a spiral bound notebook for a planner. I'd love to have a real one but my quilt budget is tight. Thanks for the chance to win a real one!

  65. Yes, I'm a long-time Franklin planner user; I adore anything organizational. If I had a planner specifically for my quilting, that would be awesome.

  66. When I was working full time, I used both a paper planner and the electronic calendar on my computer to keep myself organized. Now that work meetings, etc., are no longer in the picture, I've fallen away from that, but I've felt a need for an organizational tool of some sort, the kind of thing that can be organized by project (step by step) rather than time (all those projects at the same time). The time isn't generally so important as remembering where I am in the process (and what things I have "forgotten" to work on for a while).

  67. I do not use a planner but I do keep a stack of note paper handy. Always jotting down this or that. Great giveaway. Good luck everyone!!

  68. No I don't use a planner. I do keep a list of my projects each year.

  69. I don't use a planner, but I should. I think that it would be nice to be able to look back at what I have done.

  70. I got out of the habit of using a planner when I quit working. As I get busier with quilting and other activities, I'm feeling the need to get started again.

  71. This is so cool! I fought my budget and went with fabric, trying to use a cheap planner for my personal quilting needs and organizing my Beginning Quilt class needs I'm teaching at my LQS. Ugh. I used to be so organized! Lol not so much anymore! Lol I so would LOVE to win! Just like we all would!😁🤗❤

  72. Yes, if I don't, I end up leaving my brain at home at important times. Lol. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  73. I haven't yet, but I keep looking at Planner and not sur which one to use.

  74. I have not used one, but the ones designed for quilters are very tempting.


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