Help Me Raise Some Money


Could you think of a day when you didn't have your sewing machine!

I sew when I am happy, sad, mad, just about anytime I want!

Others sew to raise money for the rent, electric, or just enough to have lunch out once a month!

I have a story to tell of a blogger I followed for about 5 years then one day she stopped blogging. Her quilts are beautiful! She was always willing to help new quilters! Always made the world seem a little better! She always wrote at the end of her posts

"Cheery Wave Bev"

Not long ago I was having giveaways for Impressions, Orange Peel Templates, I notified one of the winners and guess what she signed "Cheery Wave Bev"! I was shocked! I asked her where she had been and found out she had been through some bad times! Her 25 years old sewing machine had died. She had used sewing to supplement her Social Security. It had been broken for months which hasn't helped her situation.

I feel "God" puts people in your path and it is your choice if you help them or not! I feel he wants me to help her and I hope you might help too!

I am running Auctions on Instagrams and have others planned! Quilters Square in Kentucky Quilter's Square | Lexington, KY | BERNINA Dealer has offered to collect donations! It makes it all legitimate!

To donate - use PayPal to send money to

In the notes please write: Blossomandbev

Send a little or a lot!


It is a good cause to help another quilter get back on her feet.

Whatever money we raise will go to a sewing machine if we go over the quilt shop will send her a gift certificate to their online store!

Everyone needs to know someone out there in the world cares! Let's show her we do! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading! Lisa



  1. Replies
    1. I pulled everything from my own stash to Auction off! I feel that strongly about helping Bev

    2. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART! This is just about the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me! You are the b3st!

  2. I remember this blog! I seem to remember her talking about moving into her car to live. I have been thinking about her and really hoping she did not have to live in her car. I will search out your auction

  3. Here is a link to your instagram in case anyone else wants to look at it :)

  4. wonderful cause...not able to donate but keep us all posted on the result...

  5. Thanks for what yu are doing. It warms my heart to see this. Of course, I will donate! I saw the Instagram things, since I follow you there, too, but I only had time for a glance. Please report on how donations are going after a week or two. I can donate again next month.

  6. God is good. You collected it in one day. And most quilters seem to have big hearts. God will bless you and each one that helped. Sorry I was a day late, I would have liked to help. But there is always a need out there. I'll watch for the next one. Which reminds me of the Hands2help Quilt Challenge sign in opened yesterday at.
    I can't remember if you were in it last year or not.


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