Meet Friends

The point of social media is to meet new friends!  But how often do we actually go out and meet someone 
we talk to daily on social media.

This is my wonderful friend Leona! 
I talked to her on Flickr, her blog, and Instagram for about 5 maybe 6 years.  I can honestly say it was so different to meet her in person.  It has changed that friendship into something greater. 

 I am so happy we went a couple of hours out of our way on vacation to met her and her son.  Best trip just for a conversation in real life and a few hugs. It will last me until next time.  When I will make a point to add her to our trip!

I also caught up with a quilt shop owner and friend Karen! My sister in law took me to her shop 2 years ago while we where visiting her.  We kept up a friendship on Instagram.

Karen owns Fabric Smart in Gulfport, Florida!
Her shop is a Modern Quilters Dream! She has all the latest and greatest! She also has on hand everything to make clothes, bags, and all kinds of sewing projects. 
Classes for everyone.  
If you find yourself in the Saint Petersburg Florida area stop in and make a friend!
Best part is she is really a great person.

My point besides sharing the joy I felt seeing these 2 women. Not all of us get out to meet friends or just people who share the same interests! Social media becomes our only way to converse with like minded people. 
If you get the chance to meet!
Do it!
 Meet in a public place for safety. 

For me it was scary and out of my comfort zone.  We almost didn’t stop!  Then I saw Leona’s smiling face and heard her cheery voice. She was just like the person I had shared my ideas and fears with over the years.  I am so delighted to call her my in person friend! Also, that she didn’t run after meeting my family!

Now, I just have to find a way to Australia to meet my IG friends there!

Enjoy your day!


  1. Ooh, yes please!! Actually, I really want to travel to Canada one day as I want to see an actual real life moose! So hopefully, we can save our $$ and when the kids get a bit older we can have a major holiday and we can catch up then!

  2. Lisa I sooooo agree with you! I've had the privilege of meeting a few fellow bloggers and it was seeing an old friend.

  3. Lisa I sooooo agree with you! I've had the privilege of meeting a few fellow bloggers and it was seeing an old friend.


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