
Showing posts from July, 2012

The real reason to go to a county fair

I have blogged a lot lately about the county fair and how to enter your quilts and jams to win ribbons and it is really fun for me. On Saturday it was our family's time to go to the fair! Lots of photos! My jar of "Pineapple Jam" sold for $15 at the auction to benefit the fair. My daughter Kristin came home to visit and go to the fair. She was really happy with the first place ribbon for "Sophie's Twister", since Sophie is her goddaughter. It really made me happy to have Kristin and David together for my first place ribbon on "Beauty & the Beast". This is my happy picture! The "Best of Show" ribbon went to my friend Mary Adkins she is a very talented quilter. She entered this stack and whack quilt, that is quite beautiful. I think I am going to take a class on how to make this style. I heard that they are easy to make. Next year I'll try again to beat her! What would the fair be without popcorn. Ed Adkins volunteers his...

Give the world your best!

Hi everyone, just bouncing around the internet reading blogs, looking for new inspiration and I found this to share with you. It reminded me how important and fragial our families, extended families, and friends can be. I think if you try to strive to be a good person, you will be rewarded in many ways. So try to be kind to you fellow man/woman you don't know their story! Give the world your best! "If you do good, people may accuse you of selfish motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you may win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. People who really want help may attack you if you help them. Help them anyway. Give the world the best you have and you may get hurt. Give the world your best anyway.ā€ Mother Teresa Thanks for stopping by on yo...

Dots? Got Dots?

I was over at Connie's Quilting by the River , I love her blog and she loves doing blog hops (she is very inspiring). I have decided to do another blog hop, this one is Dots on Dots , I love dots! Got my dots! Do you! Don't forget to join me in September! I will find something to giveaway! Hope you all are having a great weekend! I am off to the fair to eat some carnival food! Lisa

Good Deal on Denyse Schmidt DS Collection

Last night I was reading Rita's Red Pepper Quilts , Stash Update from last Sunday and was happy to find Denyse Schmidt DS Quilts Collection. Which is sold at Jo-Ann's! I went to Joann's today because I hate to pay shipping and I had a coupon for 20% off the total purchase. Well guess what? They are normally $12.99 but they are on sale until Saturday for $9.09 a piece. You can find them online at Jo-Ann but you will have to pay shipping. If they are not marked on sale in the store don't worry they are! The coupon is only for instore. I purchased them for $7.27 a piece and you can too if you get the ad mailed to your home. If you haven't signed up for JoAnn coupons you should at a store most of the coupons are redeemable on-line. Save money on supplies! They even have an iPad app at JoAnn App DS Quilts collections are available from Jo-Ann Stores in the USA. Rita said on her blog that they will be available at a store called Spotlight in Australia. But sh...

County Fair Results

Well no "Best of Show" this year but I did get (3) " 1st Place " Ribbons on these! So, here is: "Beauty and the Beast" Close up to show the nice straight lines! I ripped out the seams on three rows until I got it right! Quilted all up nice by my friend Irene Hensley. I used "Another Iota" by Robert Kaufman. It makes a great binding! "Sophie's Twister" Lastly, I submitted a jar of yummy "Pineapple Jam" that I forgot to take a picture of the night I dropped everything off. Thank you all for indulging me while I showed off. I really encourage you to show your beautiful creations in your local fairs. It validates your work and makes you feel good inside. Thank you for stopping by "In The Boon Docks" Lisa

I present "The Beast" Unquilted

I have worked on this quilt for weeks and finally took it to Irene to be quilted a few hours ago. She knew it was coming and said she would have it ready tomorrow. I then have to put the binding on it by Monday at 9 pm to enter it into our county fair. Last minute! Why do I do this to myself? Do you ever start a project get it almost done and quit? Saying I can't get it done in time. After all the work you put into it then turn around and say "oh no, I gotta get this done now"? So all I did today was sew! But not fun sewing, the frantic crazy type of sewing. It will be a mad dash to make the binding in the morning. This is our king size bed just to give you a size idea. The fabric is Quilt Blocks by Ellen Luckett Baker for Moda & Robert Kaufman Kona Solid Coal. There are 114 5" blocks. Hope you like it! I haven't decided yet but it is going to be entered. Does anyone have a good name for it? I would love to hear your idea's nobody here like...

New Things In The Boon Docks

Just Delivered I am so excited, I won these from Deborah of Simply Miss Luella She is co-hosting a Fusion Blanket Crochet Along, it combines both fabric and crocheting, and you can't get much better than that. The blanket is just beautiful! You should go and see after you read me! Hee hee! Thank you Deborah I will be working on my stitches and try to make you proud. "The Crochet Stitch Bible" is amazing! It is very detailed and shows you how to do each stitch. Look at some of them. I have been crocheting since 5th grade, made lots of blankets and scarfs, but I only know 2 stitches. So, this book opens up a whole new world. The magazine has some very beautiful projects in it. My mother-in-law is getting the needle holder. You should always be nice to hubby's mom! I might let her look at the book but it is mine! Love it to pieces! I will try to update you on any progress in new stitches! My next QAL! Anyone want to join me? August 2, 2012 to October 25, 2...

Give me you opinion!

Please look!! I know, I know everyone has already seen this block! I am concerned that maybe I shouldn't submit it to the Modern Quilt Guild Challenge! Is something wrong with the way I designed it or is it ugly, is there not enough color in it, is it bad photography? I really don't know and have no one here to ask. I really want to know! Don't worry about my feelings, just tell it like it is. On the small chance you like it, which way should it go? Pick photo 1 or 2. Or go take some more photos? Can you tell I am feeling a bit insecure?? Over a quilt block, ha ha.... Photo #1 Photo #2 NEW Starting something new, I really like " Quilt" by Ellen Luckett Baker from Moda. The colors are so bright and crisp. I think it will go nicely with the Kona "Coal" , another favorite of mine. I collected 4 charm packs over the last few months to make a quilt for my bed. I bought them from Craftsy at a real good price. Check it out, you might find someth...


Nature Is just a step out my backdoor. I thought I would share a few pictures of out my backdoor. Not all the junk on the back porch, but the deer who eats on my hill in the morning. The little male hummingbird who guards my feeder day and night. The have flying wars, you really have to watch out in the mornings and evenings. That is when they like to come by. QuiltCon Submission #2 I tried to be modern but I may have ended up to traditional for the Modern Quilt Guild. What do you think? The Winner Is? Well, I am so sorry everyone has had to wait today to find out who won but my little random generator is not home yet! I did cut up all the strips, I wrote the blog, and now I wait. For a six year old he is a busy guy, church camp, friends house, and hopefully soon, home! He's home, he's home! And the winner is? JCnNC - who is Judy C. In North Carolina of Shade Tree Quilting . She has an American Flag Banner, I would just love to make. Everyone should check it out...

Red, White, and Blue Blog Hop Giveaway

UPDATE: WOW! Thank you everyone for stopping in! I am having trouble keeping up with the comments. So when we get to 150 follower I will have a followers drawing for a charm pack! . Tell your friends about the giveaway and the RWB Blog Hop! If I don't respond to every comment know that I read each of them and appreciate you signing up for the giveaway! I am overwhelmed by all the new followers! Just wonderful! Thanks again! Today, July 6, 2012, is " In The Boon Docks" day in the Red, White, and Blue Blog Hop. . I am so excited to be included. I would like to thank Madame Samm from !Sew We Quilt! and Jane from Jane's fabric and quilts for letting me be apart of the blog hop. I love this blog hop, you get to visit a lot of different blogs, see many different styles of blocks, and enter giveaways! Since it is July " In The Boon Docks" is holding a "Christmas in July Giveaway" I used (12) squares from two Prairie Paisley II Charm packs t...

The Hum of Generators

Well if anyone is missing me it is not that I don't have anything to say! I am one of the 80% of West Virginia without power. On Friday, my outside thermometer read a 105 degrees so a thunderstorm was welcomed, my thinking it would push out the hot air and cool everything off. Instead it roared down the back of my hill and blew everything in it's path out into my yard, knocked over the 8 foot basketball hoop causing chaos. Breaking branches from the large trees behind my house and depositing them in the field next door. In the house, the lights flickered several times before it left us in the dark. From what we heard on the news it blew it's way right through to Washington, D.C. leaving most everyone without power. Central air is a wonderful thing until you don't have it anymore. Windows that are normally closed are opened wide, in a heat wave it is like swimming in hot soup. Fans that have spent years in the garage are drug out to be put in service. And if you a...