What Shade R U? Winner

I was really honored when RJR Fabrics asked me to participate in the "What Shade R U? Blog Hop" on there blog: Quilt With Love: Whatshaderu with @intheboondocks - ! I just love that they gave me enough fabrics to put together a bundle for one of you In The Boon Docks: What Shade R U? Giveaway. The "Pop Plus" Quilt turnered out so nice! You haven't seen it shucks I quess I have to show you again!

Currently, it is hanging in our local library! The fabrics are tough, sturdy, well constructed and I love using them in all my sewing! Now, you all had a chance to enter to win for a 26 Cotton Supreme Solids Bundle - but only one person could win.

The Winner is?
  1. I follow your blog by email.

    Congratulations, I am sure glad you do! I sent you a email!
  2. Giveaways are a good reason to follow "In The Boon Docks". To pick your favorite way to follow just look on the left sidebar! I appreciate each and every one of you for entering giveaways and leaving comments! I can't wait to see what Amanda makes with all those colors! Lisa
  3. If you are looking for the posts on FPP tools here they are:
  4. In The Boon Docks: Tools In My Toolbox - FPP
  5. In The Boon Docks: Foundation Paper Piecing - Why The Tools




  1. I just want to say THANK YOU!!! I am so happy to have been chosen to win such an awesome prize. I can hardly wait to see what I can create with them.
    Your "Pop Plus" quilt is so vibrant and fun.


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